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I have to leave my Pup @ my Mom's for 2 days...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    I have plans to go away Saturday (leaving at 9am) until Sunday (returnign around 2pm). My puppy will stay with my Mom. She lives next door to my house. And I take the puppy there often to visit. I feel bad leaving my puppy. She is 3 months old, and we have only had her for about 3 weeks. She is very attached to us. Do you think she will be OK staying at my Mom's house? For 1 day?? Please give me your opinions. Also, if you have any ideas on how to "comfort" her more when she is at my Mom's..please write. Thanks for your time. (I am new to this...I have 3 cats, and we all know the cats are independent! LOL!)
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I think she should be just fine, she has been acclimated to your rmom and house, I would bring something like a short htat has your smell on it to leave her.

    so go have fun she is in good hands
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you can leave something that smells like you.
    The one time I had to kennel my dog I slept on a towel all week and she got to keep that with her
  4. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Hey Good ideas!! :eek:
    I will leave a shirt and I will sleep on a towel too. This way she will have something that smells of me. :wink:
    I am bringing her favorite blanket (that she always sleeps on) too.
    I hope she is OK- I hope she doesn't think she is being adopted again or anything ( I don't really know what her "history" is/was) :?:
    I hope she eats and I hope she doesn't cry- she is very attached to us.
    Always looking for us around the house & crying if we leave her in a different room (downstairs when we go upstairs & vice versa) :cry:
    Thank you for your comments back, I do apprecaite it!! :y_the_best:
    And besides, its only for 1 full day- right?
    (I'll be thinking of her though- the whole time!!)
    Thanks again!!!!!
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    If anything this will help your dog not become overly dependant on you and eventually develop seperation anxiety. This trip will teach her that when you leave you do come back.

    Trust me, a dog w/ SA is not so enjoyable at times.
    Your mom will be fine with your pup.

    Enjoy your trip!!
  6. LadyT

    LadyT New Member

    I think I need to take a vacation because I think he is too dependent on me. :(
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    When you leave her, try very hard to be matter of fact about it. Say something like, "I'll see you tomorrow!" and cheerfully walk out the door without looking back. She needs to know you aren't worried and that she is in good hands. If you are all clingy and scared, she will think there is something wrong.

    It's REALLY hard to do. Fall apart when you are safely back in your own house or in the car.

    I know exactly what you are going through, but it IS only a day and she'll be fine. I left my pup for almost 2 weeks when she was 7 months old and I was so worried she would forget me! She had a blast, though, and came home tired and happy. And of course, she didn't forget me. :)
  8. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    I know she is in good hands. My Mom loves her- its just that I know she has seperation anxiety (just from the way she follows us around room to room etc-) so that makes me worried that she will be crying the whole time we're away- or that she won't eat!! The good thing is- its 1 full day. 24 hours and I will be back with her...for 2 days!! (No work on Monday!)
    Hopefulyl she will make out OK and be back to normal on Sunday when I get back. Thanks for all your help. Its going to be rough- she is my baby!
    I'll keep you posted.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nah, ALL puppies (and most dogs) follow you around! I have a train of 2 everywhere I go. My sister's train is 4 dogs long. Once she was sitting at her computer and turned around to take a photo of the 4 dogs draped on the floor around her. I think some of the cats join the train as well.

    I think she'll stop crying soon after you leave, especially if your mom is cuddling her and spoiling her, as we know she will!

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