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i just have a question

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by bigben209, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. bigben209

    bigben209 New Member

    wat do i do if my budgie lays an egg
    how can i noe if its pregnant n were can i get a bird nest from????
  2. bigben209

    bigben209 New Member


    n how do i feed da baby budgie
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Birds do not get pregnant they lay eggs.

    Budgies lay 1 egg every 2days.

    How old are your birds?
    How long have they been together?
    Do they have a cuttlefish bone and mineral block in there cage?

    If and when your birds lay eggs if they are fertile and hatch you do not feed the chicks the parents do and you should not interefere unless its absolutely needed..

    Birds should not be used for breeding until they are no younger that 18months old they should be in excellent condition and fed a good quality diet.

    Budgies lay 1 egg every 2days with the average clutch being 4-6 eggs sometimes more.
    They start to incubate the eggs properly after the 2nd or 3rd egg has been laid.

    The incubation period is 19days before the first egg hatches but this shoulkd be worked out from when the 3rd egg has been laid.

    The birds should be given soft foods daily things like boiled eggs crushed up with there shells this gives extra calcium, Boiled pasta, Boiled brown rice, Wholewheat bread.
    Also you can give them an egg food which is designed for handfeeding and weaning of chicks its called either EMP or CeDe egg food you can purchase this from any good petstore this can then be placed in a seperate dish for them to eat when they want.

    Soft foods should be removed about 1hour after placed in the cage this reduces the chances of bacteria forming and infecting the birds.

    The female must have access to cuttlefish bone and mineral block at all times if not she could end up becoming egg bound which is fatal if not noticed and treated by an avian vet ASAP

  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    You said in another post that your budgies are only 4 months old which is too young to even begin to think about breeding them.

    I'd suggest reading up on breeding a bit more before you decide to breed them. You asked before how to tell if they were male or female but that's just the tip of getting into breeding.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I totally agree at 4months old they are way to young for you to be breeding them.There is alot of websites breeders around that will help you out when they are old enough to breed.

    Until then either seperate them into different cages or keep an eye on them they won't start mating with each other yet anyway but its best to be safe than sorry.

    A bird under the age of 18months old runs a greater risk of becoming egg bound ( egg stuck in the oviduct ) than an older bird which usually results in the death of the female bird if not detected and treated by an avian vet ASAP.

    So advice given and i am sure Aqueous will agree safest thing to do is seperate the pair for now.


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