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I need help with training my dog....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by txgardenfairy, May 8, 2004.

  1. txgardenfairy

    txgardenfairy New Member

    :shock: I just got a one yo australian shepherd-full blood-saved him from the pound! I know he needs lots of excersise, since he is a puppy and a working dog-we take him for a 4 mile walk/run every day-plus play fetch and chase with him, he is very smart-can sit, shake, get his ball on voice command-is great with the kids,etc..
    Here's the problem-even with his nylabone, and rawhide bones-he is eating up my entire back yard! He has chewed most of my shrubs down to the ground-all my bamboo-even my roses!
    I tried pepper spray-he liked it and licked it off as soon as I sprayed it on-and he is smart enough to never let me catch him in the act!
    Does any one know what else I could do to stop him before my yard is completely barren? :(
  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    First, and some may disagree with me here. I would no longer use pepper spray. It can have a bad effect on some dogs. Yours was fine, but it may cause respiratory problems, aswell as soreness if he were to get it in his eyes.

    You can buy bitter apple spray from your pet store, but if pepper spray didn't work, this probably won't either.

    You just need to train him with positive reinforcement. For the next couple of weeks, do not leave him in the yard by himself. If you are there to supervise he can't get a chance to get into trouble. While you are out there, if you see him go towards your shrubs, call him to you. If he redirects right away to you, treat him. If however, he continues for the shrub, say "NO" in a loud voice, walk over there, and get his attention again.
    Each time you are in the yard and he stays away from the bush or leaves it when you say no, treat immediately.

    This is important because the shrubs and bamboo could be a potential threat to your dog. It could cause blockage if he eats too large of a piece. And that could cost a pretty penny to fix, plus i think it takes a major surgery.

    I am sure others will have better suggestions. We don't have anything planted in our yard, because Harley would eat them all. Yuck!

    good luck
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Have you thought about crate training him when your not home??SOme plants can be toxic and make dogs sick if injested.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I agree with Sams about the crate training. Or if you want him to be outside and have a bit more room, how about a fenced dog run? They aren't too terribly expensive, and it will keep him out of the shrubbery when you are not home.

  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I went through the same thing with my Grace. My yard looked like the surface of the moon before she got done. Get your dog a sand box and put some chew toys, (KONGS), and some other chew toys in the sand. Your dog will spend all day digging in the sand and retrieving the toys. Some dogs are just bored when left alone. Some people may disagree, but I think these type of dogs are more intelligent. Dogs who chew and dig need to chanel their mental energies so they can explore and chew. If you give them an activity they can do this, then it will save your yard. I found out about this from a behaviorist after my yard became a barren wasteland. I now have new plants and lawn furniture, and knock on wood, Grace hasn't paid any attention to it.
  6. Hi! You got some great advise, so I have nothing to add except! Hope you got what you needed....

    Sharon, a sand box sounds like a great idea :y_the_best: I think I'll do that! Thanks!

  7. Karriesue

    Karriesue New Member

    I would like to add that my Huskies were doing the same thing to my yard. I wrapped mesh fencing around the base of the trees and around the bushes. It worked really well for me. I took it off 6-8 mos later and they left everything alone. Good luck! :)

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