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i need help

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by BossierCityPit, May 10, 2004.

  1. BossierCityPit

    BossierCityPit New Member

    i have raised over 20 pits but i never had problems trainning to walk on a leash, i have a 6-month old 40lb red nose, that is a house dog. and he will not let me walk him. i am open to suggestions.
  2. Sara

    Sara New Member

    How does the dog act on a leash when you do try to walk him?
  3. k9resq

    k9resq New Member

    Is he scared to walk or just stubborn do you think ? Either way teach him that his leash is a good thing. Leave it on him in the house , have it nearby when you play with him,(you can even play games with the leash supervised of course) you can even wrap it around his food bowl. this way he learns to associate it with good things. Then try putting it on him, but leave it slack. Hold the end and walk away as far as you can without pulling on the lead-call him. When he comes treat him and praise him. When he masters this do the same but put very little tension on the lead. Call him to you. NEVER pull him-let him come to you. If he refuses , go back to step one. If he comes treat and praise. Work your way up slowly so that when he walks to you, you walk a few steps with him. Continue with "baby steps". You've raised a lot of dogs-you get the picture! :D
    In my experience the stubborn ones just have a strong sense of self-they make awesome dogs with a little extra patience!!

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