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i need potty help

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by girlygrl310, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. girlygrl310

    girlygrl310 New Member

    my 3 month old chihauhua pees on mats and newspaper if i put him on there and sometimes when im not looking but sometimes he'll also go on the carpet...i was wondering how to make him go on it all times without me watching him and also how to make him go to his pee mat if i moved it out of my room and into another room..please help
  2. doggielover

    doggielover New Member

    I know this may sound easier said than done, but you really have to just watch him all the time, when you can't watch him consider putting him in crate with bedding on one side and a puppy pee pad on the other, ( i don't know whether or not your using the ones that are scented and attract pups to pee on them). Also what one of my friend's did was she put her pup on a leash and then tied the leash to her belt loop, this way she could always watch the pup and whenever she saw the pup about to squat she would rush to a pee pad and then praise the dog for good behaviour, hope this helps, let me know how your making out!
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    More often than not, there is a lot of confusion for the dog when trying to paper or litter train/indoor training. I would highly recommend that you immediately start having him do his business outdoors only! Of course, there are many other factors that may be contributing to your problem - e.g. lack of supervision, cleanup of previous accidents, too much freedom, having to hold it for too long, and so much more!

    To get more info on this subject, I would suggest that you use the search feature here on Auspet to pull up previous threads that have discussed this issue...I think you'll find them to be very useful in answering your question(s)!!! :y_the_best:


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