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Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by busymommy333, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. busymommy333

    busymommy333 New Member

    Hello we are a family of 5 with a 2 year old golden retriver recently i have noticed him being aggressive toward my children and us as well. i babysit a 8 month old baby that is crawling now and when she crawls near him he growls and is aggressive toward her. :eek:

    Well my new problem is we just got a cockapoo she is about 1.12 pounds and i have introduced them the way my vet told me too and all the books i read before i brought her home. :?

    He was being aggressive before she came along though, well yesterday i accidentaly left the room for a second and he did something to her all i heard was her yelping and i saw blood i quickly took her to the emergency vet and they said they think he scratched her cornea because he did not see a wound bite. :cry:

    I am very scared I don't know why he has been acting like this does anybody have any advice i could really use some. I LOVE BOTH OF MY DOGS AND I WANT TO WORK THIS OUT :cry:
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    First of all, YOu need to take him to the vet and rule out any health problems. Sudden changes in a dogs attitude is usually linked to some illness or pain.

    Second. Get yourself a behaviorest. A good trainer as well. Sounds to me like the dog is having a turn of alpha hood....you need to reinforce theat you and your family is alpha. NOT the dog. Both puppy and him should be introduced slowly on neutral ground. Where neither can claim territory. NEVER leave an agressive dog alone with children or puppies!!! Common sence will tell you that.
  3. Kassandra

    Kassandra New Member

    Oh I feel bad for you, i know why dont you keep them apart for a bit.
    keep them away from each other, unless they are under supervision.
    So if I were you i would do that.

    Good day! :D

    XoX :p

    Kassandra :y_the_best:
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    How old are your children? Has your dog ever been around crawling babies before?
    I agree with Sams on having health problems ruled out first and then seeking the help of a behaviorist. In the meantime, I would keep this dog away from the children or put a muzzle on him when children are around.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Aggression toward small children is not that uncommon, but you need to get a handle on it NOW. Take the advice others have given you and get yourself a behaviorist and/or trainer who is skilled with aggression issues and uses POSITIVE methods.

    In the meantime, DO NOT leave your Golden with kids or the new little dog unsupervised EVER.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    when you do take the dog for a check to rule out any health problems have his thyroid checked....a sympton of thyroid problems is aggressiveness

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