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I'll be switching filters

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by sleeper, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    Hey all--

    So I got tired of the cruddy filters I inherited with my 20G and I went to Petsmart today and upgraded to the AquaClear Power. I'm a little worried about ammonia spike though... should I leave my current filter system in for a day or two while the new one acclimates? Is this going to cause a problem? Tips?

  2. M_wm

    M_wm New Member

    is ur tank already cycled? if it is cycled switching filters shouldnt really hurt anything but it would still be better if you took some media from ur old filter and ran it in ur new one for a week or so
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Either transfer all the media from your old filter to the new one (best thing to do) or run both filters for at least 2 weeks then remove the old one (you may encounter a mini cycle with this method).

  4. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    t_chelle, how can I transfer media from two entirely different kinds of filters? One is in-tank and the new filter (which I've installed w/o removing the others) is external.
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Does the internal filter have sponges or filter floss of any kind? If it does, you should just be able to put it in the media compartment of the Aqua Clear. Otherwise, just run both filters for a couple weeks then you can remove the old one. Just keep a close eye on your water parameters for about a week or so after you remove the old one.

  6. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    Thanks t_chelle. Nice new avatar, btw.
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    No problem. And thanks. :D


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