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Ill behaved black, ghost, knife fish

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by DUCKLE-BUM, Jun 15, 2005.


    DUCKLE-BUM New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I think I have a little problem with my BGKF.
    He is an avid eater and spends ALL his time hunting for anything edible.....quite natural :)
    However, recently I think he has been nibbling away at the silicon sealant in the corners of the tank. :shock:
    Does anyone have any knowledge about these fish? and has anyone heard of them gnawing enough silicon to cause real problems with the tank?

  2. sleeper

    sleeper New Member

    My guy is a little too shy for that, I think...

    But I once read about an oscar nibbling at the stuff. It shouldn't really be coming off in t he first place. I think I read to use a razor blade to cut the loose edges and he bite the fastened adhesive.

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