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I'm getting a new puppy!!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by colieolie, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. colieolie

    colieolie New Member

    Well Hello!! First I would like to say that, without even asking a question, you all have been very helpful! I have been puppy OBSESSED for awhile now, and I finally decided to get one. I looked for awhile and then I found this beautiful shih-poo and I am picking her up this Friday! I am a college freshman, and she will be living with me in my dorm for 3 months until I am able to move into an apartment (wish me luck with the barking!) The plan is litter training and you all have been very helpful with that also! So I guess I'm just saying hello and posting a picture :) only 4 more days!!! :D Anyway, I'm sure you'll all be hearing from me again soon - that is if I have time to get on here anymore!

    Emma Louise
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Congratulations. Count down 4 days. Be prepared to be tired. Pups are babys. If you are going to crate train a small crate is best. Pups will separate a larger crate into a sleeping area and bathroom area. If you don't have an area that has a door that you can close to ensure its safety. The crate is best. Baby gates are fine for very young pups, but a 3 month old can climb like you would not believe. So crate or a shut bathroom door,(closed toilet always) she could drown. How old will she be? Is that her in your avatar? Cute little pup.
  3. colieolie

    colieolie New Member

    yes, that is her! :) less than 24 hours away!!! she is solid black and she is 7 and a half weeks old.

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