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I'm the worst person in the world!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 7, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, this is going to be long, I already know..... but I have to get it off my chest.
    I've been crying all night, all morning, and couldn't hardly concentrate through my Gov final last night and Bio Final this morning......

    Ok, yesterday afternoon, I left work to head for my evening class. NOw I never stop by the house on my way to class because its like a mile out of the way. But I had like 15 extra minutes, so I thought I might Catch Tiff, a girl who feeds and brushes my horses on my night class days. ANyhow, I drove by the horse gate, and it was wide open.....So my first thought was, Ok, she must have taken them for a walk. So I drove around, and NO HORSES< NO TIFF..... I freeked. I went to her house, and she thought I had taken them!!!! Ok about that time, i had already lost it. Sassy and SA were on the loose, along with the dogs. And then the thought of them being stolen....oh GOD!

    I drove everywhere, Tiff was on her bike, and I saw RC (a kid I mentor) I asked him if he had seen them and he said no, the gate had been open since 7"30 that morning so he thought I took them..... He jumped in the truck with me and I made a few blocks.....this girl was in her yard, and her dogs shot out in front of me.... I only saw the one when it reached the ditch, but there was a pitt that I hit... i broke his front left leg at the wrist....the girl just stood there!!!! I stoopped, tried to see what I oculd do....but to no avail, she didn't care!!!! I told her to take him to the vet and send me the bills. I know it wasn't my fault. This dog chases cars and bites at tires going by daily, But still.. I hit him and broke his leg.
    I feel sooo bad. Granvel was rushing home, and the onlything I could think of was someone had stolen them. Horses have been stolen from all around us.

    I had half of Rock Island looking for them, and I had no choice but to go to class ,by 6pm, (it was already 5:45 and it takes 30 minutes to get there!!!!) SO I had no choice but to leave. Granvel got home, and there were my girls, in a pasture two down from us with a herd of cattle, three mares, two foals, and a STALLION!!!!! Oh great, it was dark when I got home and the only way they got in there was over the cattle guard. So we left them till this morning. S.A. got bred, pretty sure of it. But sassy isn't in heat. And I wasn't about to risk one of them getting hurt trying to make them jump the cattle guard again.....

    SO I called the vet, I have to wait two weeks until I can give her the abort shot. I've already spent $500 on a waiting list to have her bred to this other AWSOME stud.... there's no way I'm giving that up, not to mention the stud that bred her is totally worthless, and horrible! I can't believe the people that own him breed him!!!!!

    Well this morning, I stopped by the girls house and her dad came out. I told him I was sorry and asked if they had taken him tot he vet. He said no, and it'll just teach him to chase cars. I freeked out on the man. The dogs leg is grotesquely broken at a nasty angle...and in total pain.

    I asked if I could take him, and he said no.
    So now what do I do???? I feel sooo guilty, and the guy doesn't blame me, but he just doesn't care about the dog. He's a gorgeous dog and well taken care of, except for the chasing cars thing.....

    God I'm the worst person! Oh great here I go again.....
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Take a deep breath, Sams. Nothing that you describe was your fault. I know it doesn't make you feel better now, but it will in time.

    First, about the horses. How about a system, like a sign on the gate you can flip over or something, that will let others know if one of you has taken them out? That way if someone sees the gate open, everyone won't be assuming that someone else has them.

    About the dog. Can you call animal control? Are there laws in your area about treating injuries like that? It seems like it MUST be part of animal cruelty laws to provide necessary medical care. Call the city and find out. Call some vets and ask them.

    I hope you figure something out, and let us know what happens!

  3. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Sam! OMG I am so sorry. You are NOT a horrible person. That man is horrible for not carig for his dog. And yes, it is illegal to not provide vet care to a sick/injured animal, so you can call animal control and have them go out there.

    One thing, does he know where you live? I hope he is not a vindictive guy. Just thinking about your horses and such. Be careful.

    I would definately try to get the dog taken care of. Open wounds like that will just fester with infection, and the smell can be horrible.

    I am so sorry this happened to you. You are so good to all animals. my thoughts are with you.

    Good luck on your exams aswell.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Its not an open wound, but you can see the bone broken under the skin....there's absolutely no doubt it isn't. This guy is usually a reasonable guy,not vendictive or anything...

    Jamiya, we have a dry erase board on the barn door that lets us know what the other has done...she just assumed that we had them...I told her ALWAYS check the board. We have been talking about breeding, and so she just thought thats what I did.....

    I called the sheriffs dept, they said they'd stop by and tell the man, they saw the dog and give him a period to take the dog in. if not they'd site him and seize the dog. Thankfully he didn't say my name, but I know he knows... He's a good man, just hard headed.

    The weird thing is, in order to open the gate to the pasture, you have to pull back a spring loaded rod.... The rod goes into a hole in the post. Its kinda hard to open, but suposed to be horse and cattle proof! Granvel and I both suspect that someone opened it, but like Tiff said, S.A. is always rubbing her butt on the gate, and its a possiblity that she hung on the handle to the rod and pulled it open..... stranger things have happend..

    I know its not my fault, but yall know me.... I'd never hurt anything. And now I have! This is worse than when I hit the hogs. Trust me I still feel sorry about the hogs, but there is reason not to in that case as well, but this was a beautiful dog....loving, but not all that bright apparently.

    Thanks for yalls support.

    OH and we got a new litter of puppies! Very unexpectedly. A bitch dog showed up had the babies, and she's doing fine.....Once weaned we'll spay her and adopt out the 6 puppies. Momma looks like a rott/shephard mix, and all the babies look just like rotties.
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Oh sam, glad to hear another herd found you.

    The hog story was quite a bizarre one. We should just pad your truck with pillows. JK. I know you feel like crap, but let the sheriff take over from here. Just keep your eyes open aswell.

    Maybe drop a long lead on the guys porch as a hint to tie it up if the dogs gonna keep runnign on the road.
  6. Jules

    Jules New Member

    What a day you had! I'm so sorry!
    If my dogs got out and ran on the road and got hit by a car- I'd be blaming MYSELF and not the dogs!!!
    If you WERE the worst person in the world, you wouldn't have given a stuff about the dog, you wouldn't care for animals, and you wouldn't be a member here!
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    sam you cant blame yourself!! I am so glad you got them all back safely. That man is so mean. I cant believe he wont take the dog to the vet. You did the right think calling the sherrifs. PLease dont worry yourself over it.

  8. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so sorry that you had such a horrible day! Glad you were able to find your horses and get them back and that you called the Sheriff to ensure the man would get that dog taken care of.
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Sorry about your horrible day sam!! Hopefully the autorities will handle it. oh and congradulations I guess on your new pups. They are in the right hands!!
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Awwww Sam dont feel bad it was an accident that was not in anyway your fault. You have done all you can do.
    Im very glad you found your horses and all were safe. Hope tomorrow is a better day :D
  11. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Like everyone else says Samsintentions, you weren't to blame so chin up :D

    As you obviously know this man in passing I wouldn't do anything sarcastic like leaving a leash or saying anything, but just leave it to the sherrif to deal with. I only say that cause you're a good, kind, considerate person and doing something like that could bring even more trouble that you don't need. (otherwise I'd say get in his face about it as he clearly has no sense of responsibillity)

    Hope you've forgiven yourself this morning and are feeling much better :)
  12. Hi Sami,

    My Goodness what a day you had! :shock: enough is enough! You poor thing! I can't imagine what He** that must have been for you. I'm so happy to hear that your horses are home safe, but sorry that your Mare may have been gotten to by that stud. My oh My! it sure sounds like you've been going through an aweful lott as of late! Come on lord give the girl a break here! You hang in there, we all know what a wonderful caring person you are :y_the_best:

    AND MORE PUPPIES! Geez!! Well he must think you can handle it! This must be your gift, to help lost animals, and you sure are good at it! :D

    Praying for you!

    Sincerely, Susan
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I cried my butt off from all your replies! Yall are sooo great.

    I've come to terms that its not my fault, but this is the first time I've ever hurt anything. (other than those damned hogs!!! ) Its just guilt knowing that he's hurting, and there's nothing I can do about it.

    I drove by the guys house again yesterday afternoon and the dog was up on the porch with a (what looked like, but not sure) a cast on his foot. It was white, I couldn't tell if it was a bandage or a cast. He was tied up on the front porch and there was no one home.

    As for the girls. Those two drive me nuts daily!!! I finally found the stallion I want to breed Sassy with, only problem is I can't get ahold of the owner. ITs hay season.......

    S.A. on the other hand....I'm praying she's not. But you never know.

    As for the puppies. They're all BIG and healthy. Their squirming around alot, and mommas tried to move them twice now. She's shy and nervous, but oh sooo sweet. She looks just like yours Jamyia!!!!

    Any how, I'm at work, so I gotta get payroll done. Granvel is home today, monitoring the managerie!!!! He's called three times since 8 and probably pulling his hair out by now.!!!!!
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam, puppies :shock: what did I misss?? where did you get puppies?? someone didnt drop off more did they?

  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ahem. Pictures, Sams. Pictures. :D

  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah, a dog showed up, and had a litter of puppies that evening..... !!!! Idon't know if she's a dumpee or if she's a stray that just wondered up.
    Beautiful dog though.

    I'm gonna post pics as soon as I get a moments peace!!!!
  17. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Sam ,I am sorry to her your story .I ope the dog is fine .It isn't your fault ,things ike that can and do happen .How is the dog now ,do you know ?

    Hope to see picts of the babies soon ...take care .
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, Update on dog:

    He's doing fine. His leg wasn't broken. It was dislocated at the wrist, and the bones moved up. But they took him to the vet and he reset it, and put a cast on it. The guy was sited for failure to provide vetrinary care to an injured pet.
    (luckily the guy doesn't know it was me who kept hammering the sheriffs dept about it!)

    As for momma and the pups, They are doing fine. I've had to pinn them all up in a large dog run. (kennel kind with 6' chainlink fencing) She kept trying to take off with them.....

    Soooo, anyone want a puppy????? Or a momma dog??????
  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sam, gald to hear the dog is doing okay. I am glad he got cited. boy you are a magent for pups! do you know what kind they are?

  20. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm guessing here.... Rottie and Shephard???

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