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Indy had a bad weekend.

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by elizavixen, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Well...the past week he had been licking his butt area a little. Then Sat I took him to the vet for the eye thing just to get it taken care of. She gave me antibiotic drops like Jamiya said. He didn't/doesn't like that. Then Sunday I let him and the puppy in and he was just going crazy licking his butt area. Like he couldn't stop. He'd get up to walk and then get upsetlike and jump back down to lick, so I rolled him over and it was awful. His butt was so red, looked like he had licked the first few layers of skin off. And all the rest of the area was all red and splotchy. He had been doing so good with his allergies this year, so far he had only had 1 hot spot and it wasn't that bad. Nothing had really changed in his diet/environment suddenly. I was thinking maybe the vet but he was licking it a little before then. I'm wondering if it could have been the natural balance lamb roll thing I have been giving them - but I've been giving it to them for about 2 mos now? I don't know. I shaved what area I could - he wouldn't let me shave the raw part. And I put a bunch of powder on it and then bought him an e-collar. And gave him his prednisone. It calmed him down a little. but then the puppy really liked his e-collar so she started chewing on it and chewed it off. oops. So I have them separated now. It looked better this morning, I gave him more powder. No prednisone or eye drops, I'll probably give him more prednisone tonight. And eye drops maybe - his eye looks a lot better - it started to clear up the day I took him to the vet, which figures. But I'm wondering if maybe that didn't have something to do with it. I just felt so bad for him. It is right between his legs so it is not like the place can really get air or someplace that doesn't get touched often. Just standing up and walking must rub it. That is why I'm putting so much powder on it. If I can dry it off he'll be OK. I'm just sad. He looked so miserable yesterday. I just wanted to cry for him. I'm mad I didn't catch it sooner. But hopefully this will be an isolated incident.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Poor Indy! Hang in there, Eliza. It's so tough to watch them suffer, especially since they don't understand what's going on. Poor guy. I hope he feels better soon.

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