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info needed about german rams

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by lil shant, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    can u tell me how to sex german rams and can i keep a pair in a 10 gallon for about ayr and upgrade to a 55
  2. big-pig-666

    big-pig-666 New Member

    you could probablly keep them in a 10 and leave them in a 10.. usually when u buy rams there big as they will get.. about 3-3.5''. as long as you only have the 2 rams in the 10 im sure it would be fine...
  3. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    can u tell me the sex
  4. big-pig-666

    big-pig-666 New Member

    Sexing rams is not difficult as they do show a reasonable amount of sexual dimorphism. The first several spines of the dorsal fin or "crest" of the males are longer than those of the females. Males also tend to be a little larger than females. Females on the other hand tend to be fuller in the abdomen and exhibit a bright red coloration in this area when in breeding condition.

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