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interesting article about talking to our dogs

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by puttin510, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I saw that one. I hope it's not news to any of us that dogs can understand human language. :)

  3. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    Understand is an understatement. I have to spell out a lot of words around the boys to keep them from anticipating things. If I say"Do You Want" the answer is always YES no matter what follows. :D
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    LOL, we do the spelling thing too. Wylie and Jake know breakfast and dinner. They will be far away and I will call these and they come running. I think dogs can understand a lot more but we just dont take the time to teach

  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    lol when Nala was alive i would have to tell the kids lets go for a w word cuz if i said walk nala would go crazy run to the drawer where he leash was and just go nuts. that is the only thing in that drawer cuz heaven forbid i open it they go crazy nala taught the puppies about that drawer also so we only use if we are going for the w word. If i say treat the yorkies run to the cuborad where the treats are it's great i love i know they understand me just wish they could talk back to me sometimes.
  6. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    LOL! We are constantly spelling around Harley. If we even drive past the vets office she starts to cry. Too many puppy smells in there for her.

    I constantly talk to her. Mostly in the morning while I get ready for work. She just lays outside the bathroom door waiting for the magic words.

    Where's your ring? hehe
  7. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    The word I have the most problems with is GO. It comes up so much that it's too late by the time I accidently say it. Zeke will get up, turn in circles and go straight to the door.
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Rufus likes the word Time among others. He always thinks its his time to go out. Sasha does the cutest lick lip lip when I ask if she wants a treat. I love it.
  9. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Ok I heard this one on the radio this morning and I must say I agree with the guy that told the story, just that a story. Although dogs can learn and have the ability to pick up many new words I just don't see any comparison to a human child. I think these guys have been smelling the poop to long.

    (he still remembered the name of the new toy three out of six times)

    I don't know about you but I call that a 50/50 chance.
    Are dogs smarter then we give them credit for - possibly but more likely the are responding to your voice tone. This is called response training,or if you like your crazy clicker stuff or treats for commands. I had a parrot that could talk and get the red stick or the blue one when told. He had a vocabulary that was rather large but I sure would not put him into the comparison of people. We also had a fish that would ring the bell for food and blow bubbles at us so should I say it was communicating with me on a higher plane ? One bubble for good morning two for I am thirsty. One thing that these guys need to take in consideration is a dogs senses. Lets keep in mind that dogs have a great height in there senses, hearing, smelling ect.. I was just wondering how many of you can ask your dog if it wants to go for a ride in the car and then after saying this ask him if he would like to go climb a tree or clean up after himself. The day I see my guys waiting for there turn to use the bathroom I might I say might change my view point on there abilities to learn and understand what we are saying to them.
    Response to actions to words, take a piece of paper and write down what you think well happen and then go up to your husband/wife and smack him/her in the face and before they can respond give them a kiss and say I love you and then as fast as you did this walk away, do not respond back to them. Be sure to have a third person in the room so they can observe the response after you left the room.You can tell them what you are doing but to get a true response it is best to let them not know.
    Conclusions ?


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