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Is it always bad to buy off the internet?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ntengwall, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. ntengwall

    ntengwall New Member

    Hi--as I stated in my previous post, I am having a hard time finding a "poo" breeder in my area (Maryland) but have obviously found a ton on the internet. I am VERY leary of buying a dog this way since I had a puppy mill dog when I was in high school (my parents bought her for me from a pet store and she came from the midwest so we are fairly certain she was one). She had a very bad disposition (but we loved her a ton anyway :).
    Is there any way to know or find out if the breeder is a reputable one or just a facade for a puppy mill? Is it true that most reputable breeders would not ship a pup? I know one of my big issues is them taking the pup from the mom before 10 weeks--that pretty much rules out a perspective breeder for me.
    About the references...I went to www.dogbreedersdirect.com and e-mailed the guy there. He sent me 5 people to contact and 3 have e-mailed me back. They sound good, but how do I know they are real?
    Has anyone on this site ever bought a puppy from a breeder on the net? Thanks a ton!
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Personally, I don't think it's a bad thing if a breeder has a web site. I do think that you need to thoroughly check them out (BBB along with speaking to them on the phone to ask them very specific questions).

    I wish I had more info here with me at work but the majority of my links/info are on my home computer (gee, can you tell I'm working, I've been on the boards all morning!!!).

    I DID find some breeders that I would bet were puppy mill breeders on the internet, but, I know that there are reputable ones out there too. Moderator Note: We do not promote websites or breeders on the pet message boards. It is up to each individual to do their research. It is better to help provide educational material for a buyer to make informed decisions.

    Above all it's important that you check everyone out and make sure that you feel 100% comfortable with him/her :D
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Be VERY, VERY, VERY careful!!!!!!!!!!

    I wouldn't feel comfortable buying from a breeder unless I went to their home and checked everything out, and was able to ask a TON of questions!!! ONLY buy from breeders who you feel 100% comfortable with!

    So, be VERY careful, ask LOTS of questions (be sure they have valid proof for answers they give you that can be backed up with physical proof - such as medical records, registration, etc.), spend a lot of time with the parents of the puppy, and ask for references (yes, references can be staged, but it's usually pretty easy to tell whether or not they're staged)!

  4. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Please see the post here http://www.auspet.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3848
    There are some very good info/links on how to choose a breeder, what to look for in a reputable breeder. Most importantly is health testing - you want to be sure the breeders have done all they can breed prime, healthy good representatives of the breed and testing to prevent passing on genetic diseases & conditions to the pups. Nothing is fool proof. You're best off being able to meet the breeder, pups and one of the parents. Only by taking the time to go to the breeders house and be well armed with questions will help ensure you are dealing with someone reputable. Be very leary if the breeder won't let you come to the house.

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