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is Maine trying to pass a law to ban pitbulls?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Laylabullybaby, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. Laylabullybaby

    Laylabullybaby New Member

    hi all. I am new to this site. I have a 7 year old red nosed brown brindle pitbull. She brings more joy to me than I ever thought possible... I need to know if anyone knows if Maine is trying to outlaw pitbulls and what i can do to stop it. we live in the woods... not a person for miles except other family members... even if there were other people around us there would be no problem.... I am a responseble owner.... she is well trainned and well loved. I would be lost without her, she is like my child... the thought of someone taking her away and killing her scares me so completly... i need info.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I dont know....I did find this on line though which says that Maine is one the States that prohibits BSL's.....as long as nothng has changed, I dont know how old the information is.


    Good luck, I hope they dont do this.
  3. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

  4. ACO

    ACO New Member

    Here in Toronto we have passed the dread bill 132 banning pit bulls in all of Ontario. What has happened here, so as not to punnish the responsible folks who currently own pit bulls is we have 'grandfathered' all spayed/neutered and currently licensed dogs.

    Anyone who has owned a pit bull prior to D day, has them spayed or neutered and licensed can keep their dog. Restrictions placed on the dogs are that they must always be on leash when off their own property and must be on muzzle as well.

    I know that it doesn't change the fact that this is a totally rediculous idea, to ban a whole breed insted of providing proper education things like training, leaving the breeding to the breeders, etc, etc. But it does allow those of us who care for our pets to keep our pets.

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