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Is my puppy normal or gone crazy!! Help!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by TeddysMom, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    I'm not sure if this is normal but at a my puppy goes ballistic at the same time every night. Between 8pm and 9pm he has the energy of 1000 puppies. He runs and zooms around like mad, grabs his toys and attacks them, attacks my feet and ankles, he is so hyper. Then he calms down and falls asleep.

    Well last night I'm not sure what came over him. He ate at 6pm, I took him for a walk at 6:30pm, then he when nuts and hyper ALL NIGHT (7pm to 10pm) to the point where he threw up twice. It was mostly water that he threw up because he was drinking so much from all his running around. I also notice that when he plays with my nephews, he does a lot of running and jumping around to the point that it makes him throw up.

    Is this normal behaviour?
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    He's a pup so yeah its normal. My pup has her spastic moments too. She sounds like a gremlin on speed. LOL Not that I would know what that would sound like. LOL But I hear alot of people say their pup gets very wound up right before bed time. Mine thank god only does it for a few minutes. But I've heard others say theirs have done it for an hour or so. Sorry, your baby is normal. Lol

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