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Itching continues

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by noggin, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. noggin

    noggin New Member

    Noggin, just over 3 years now, continues to show signs of severe itching - or at least I think. I limit bathing to once a month. Noggin is an inside dog, living on the third floor - apartment, but walked regularly. I've used the natural oatmeal shampoo, used a medicated aloe shampoo, regularly apply heavier than recommended - flea & tic & mosquito drops, Frontline, Seargents,,, etc...... Noggin is doing the sitting, scratching and chewing thing. No hair loss from this. Nothing visible to me on his skin. The only thing he wants from me is a good back or butt scratch - to which he wants to knaw a hole in my arm while I scratch him. What to do??? :oops:

    I am working 8 days a week starting a business here, I work all the time. Could this itching thing be a mental game he is lashing back at me with out of anger from me not having enough time for him? Thanks for any time and help.

    Todd and Noggin
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    =P~ Hi Todd~

    Well, gosh darn it, Noggin sure is giving you a run for your money, huh!?!? :lol:

    I would think his itching discomfort is sincere rather than just a plea for attention. (Although, dogs can be pretty smart, so ya' never know.)

    Does he often sit and scoot along on the floor? If so, that's a telltale sign that a dog's anal glands need to be expressed! Have you checked into that as a possible problem causing him his discomfort?

    I wish I knew what else to say, but unfortunately, I am running out of ideas! The poor little guy, I hope you're able to figure out what exactly it is that's causing the itching...I'm sure he'd like some relief! :(

    Wishing the best for you and Noggin, and please do keep us updated! :D
  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    some dogs like him

    have skin problems ,he could have an allergy .Have you tried benedryl ? LOL ! Buti do live by it .Also ,nuvet vitamins could help ...just a suggestion here ,now I will return to my domain ! Bye guys !
  4. noggin

    noggin New Member

    no - no scooting

    He sometime chases his tail around,,, and he'll do this in a typical pug's lazy sitting position. I have researched anal gland expression, and have never been successful feeling anything swolen, or had any expressed fluids. I've given him benadryl, and have administered it for several days in a row with no change to his desires to have himself scratched.

    He does like being scratched MORE than he itches himself. --?

    However, I do see him, chewing and licking at his rear end.

    I strongly believe its allergies, hopefully someday soon - we'll find the answer.

    Noggin and Todd
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I have to say, this sounds just like my rufus. He drove me nuts for months with the scratching and the ching ching ching of his tags. I went from one food to another. If I was you, I would get him some california natural or natures balance. See if you can get a small sample bag of both and see which one he likes best. Mine really liked the natures balance. I know that even petco carries nature balance. I have tried Avoderm, plus about three other foos before we moved onto Innova. And that did the trick. You could try Innova or just go straight to a food that is made specifically for allergy sufferers. Which the two I mentioned are for. That is what I think the problem is. Remember to mix his old food with the new for about a week to let his stomache get used to it. Please let us know if this worked.

    My brother recently got a pug pup.
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I'm a novice in this area, but "food allergies" was the first thing I thought of also...... then I thought of his walks. Do you walk the same path every time? I'm wondering if something was put on the grass someplace that he's now allergic to. It could be something new, or he could have developed an allergy. I know that the neighboring condos just put allllll kinds of fertilizer on their common area and luckily the SMELL was the first thing I noticed.... so I didn't let Bailey anywhere near it. Anyhow, it's just a thought. Although, FOOD is usually the culprit with allergies. My best friend has her dog on an allergy food that works awesome -- he's a rat terrier and used to scratch like CRAZY. I can find out what brand if you're interested.
  7. noggin

    noggin New Member

    Finally returned

    Thank you for the suggestions on the food. I will give a look into it. Walks? Yes - we do primarily walk the same way every day - and unfortunately - its around a lake. Lakes here in Florida have lots of insects around and I often thought he was being munched on by these bugs. No visible signs of it though. In my area, it would be tough to ignore the beautiful park right out back and walk on any of the congested streets instead. Hopefully a food change will work.


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