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Itchy, Stinky Shih tzu

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by kimieloub, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. kimieloub

    kimieloub New Member

    I have a one yr old female shih tzu that has a very strange odor when she is
    being bathed. It smells like a hair perm smells, like a rotten egg smell. The odor subsides after she is dry. She is bathed in an hypo-allergenic itch releif shampoo recommended by our vet. The vet prescribed hydroxyzine for itching, but didn't help that much. Benadryl seems to her more than the prescription. She has been on Solid Gold dog food for about two months and that seems to have helped the itching tremendously. I also give her about a teaspoon of flax seed oil with her food. When we got her at six months she was constantly scratching, but that has tapered off quite a bit. She has a very soft, white coat and her skin is a healthy pink color. I'm just concerned with the skin odor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Is there any chance its her anal glands?
  3. kimieloub

    kimieloub New Member

    She is groomed about every 6 to 8 wks and the vet empties them beforehand. I guess it could be. Could they fill up that quickly?
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Yes they can fill up that quick. Have you asked the vet why he/she needs to empty them manually? sometimes its a diet thing, stool isnt hard enough to express them while pooping. Sometimes they just dont work right (more common in smaller dogs) Are they getting infected or just filling up?
  5. kimieloub

    kimieloub New Member

    They are just filling up. I read that it may be beneficial to add a small amount of pumpkin in with her food( about a teaspoon) for the fiber. Has anyone ever done this, and did it help?
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    One of the vets I used to work with advised many clients to do this, it did work. Just about a small spoonful of canned pumpkin in the food daily.

    Just make sure your pup doesnt become constipated, if you see any signs of the stool becoming very hard then stop for a day or 2, start up again then with a smaller amount or just use it everey other day.
  7. kimieloub

    kimieloub New Member

    Thanks, I really appreciate your help. I feel much better about feeding the pumpkin!

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