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i've chosen a shih tzu

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by itmustbepuppylove, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. itmustbepuppylove

    itmustbepuppylove New Member

    so i've chosen my shih tzu and he's coming home this sunday evening. what should i do to get ready? what do i need to now? i've talked to the breeder (she breeds for show but doesn't need a male right now so i'm taking him). i was looving at a shih poo but i feel this dog will fit me better. will i regret choosing the purebreed? there is a one year health gauarantee and he's got all his shots but the last parvo and a rabies. he's 11 weeks old. opinions? adivce?
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: Congrats on your future Shih-Tzu...exciting!!! :eek:

    Puppy-proof your home VERY well!!! Get all the essentials - i.e. food, bowls, leash, collar/harness, brush, etc. Read up on material concerning puppy ownership and care if you aren't already terribly familiar with it. Find a quality and reputable vet in your area that you are going to use, and set up an appt. for your pup on Monday since you're getting him on Sunday (the sooner the appt., the better, don't wait too long). :-# Hmmm, what else am I missing guys?!?! (Oh yeah, get lots of sleep these next couple of days, and treasure every moment of it...you won't get a whole lot after the arrival of your puppy! LOL :lol: )

    Wow, I'm not quite sure where to even begin. I'd love to help you out, but give me some specific questions! There have been a ton of great posts about puppies here on AusPet, so you may want to review those as well.

    No, absolutely not! Purebreds are wonderful! Just as everyone should do before purchasing and/or adopting any breed of dog, be sure that the Shih-tzu breed is right for you.

    There's no way he has ALL his shots, he can only have the "beginner"/initial shots. (I apologize if I misinterpreted your statement, maybe you mean he's had all his initial shots that a breeder normally has done before placing the pup. :? ) Either way, he will need many more to come, so be sure he is kept UTD on all his shots.

    The recommended age bracket for a pup to go to his/her new home is between 8-12 weeks, so, you're getting him at a good age.

    Have fun, give him lots of love and attention, and be the best puppy mommy for him! :y_the_best:

    Wishing the best for your new shih-tzu puppy!!! :D

    (As usual, pics would be much appreciated...we just love 'em! :wink: )
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Alright, I thought I remembered answering a question similar to this one on another thread, so I went back and checked. I found it, and I thought I would just copy and paste my answer on this thread. So, in case you are interested in reading it, here it is (hope it helps :wink: ):

  4. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Congratulations on finally making a choice and moving to the next step!! it's an incredibly exciting time! I'm sooo happy for you... Shihtzu puppies are one of the cutest puppies in the world... you're going to be in heaven.

    BE FOREWARNED:You will fall madly in love with this little creature, so be prepared to have your heart turn into mush!!! :)

    Also... remember... pictures are required for all new auspet posters!! :) ha ha ha....

    again, remember you were warned about your heart!
  5. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Woohoo!!! :eek: Congrats on selecting a shih-tzu! You must be so excited.. only a few more days till he's home! Have you chosen a name yet for your new puppy?

    I think MyBaby covered everything.. and I second the "get a lot of sleep" comment! My husband and I were home for 6 days with our new puppies (we have two shih-poos) and I ended up coming down with a terrible cold, which I think was because of all the excitement and lack of sleep I got! :wink: It was worth every minute though.. you're going to LOVE your new baby!!!

    Pictures... pictures... pictures... as soon as you get him! :mrgreen:

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