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Jamiya, your driving me nuts!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    He He He....

    Lil' Jamiya has found a new way to drive me nuts!!!! She has become very successful at escaping! I don't know how she's doing it!!!! Honestly. There are no holes under the kennel, she can't fit through the holes in the chainlink, I reinforced it with chicken wire. and theres no way in hell she's fitting through the small 1" gap in the gate! Her head is WAY to big.... SO hows the little stinker getting out!?!!! :-#

    Surely she's not climbing 6feet and falling over the top? She's only 6 weeks old and about the size of a football.....theres no way!

    But neverthe less, she's running around the yard, yapping her little head off and pooing on my front porch!
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LMAO!! Go Jamiya, go!

    You'll have to post a person to secretly watch her to see how she's doing it. Or set up a camera. Hey, can you somehow set up a webcam and watch her from work?! :m7:
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I wish...

    I"ve put her back in the pen and watched for like 30 minutes, and she stays in, doesn't attempt to get out. But as soon as I turn my back, Shes biting my feet! So I've tried hiding from her.....still can't figure it out. I told Granvel I was going to go get the deer camera off the feeder and hook it up!
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I bet she's going up and over. Maybe we should start a poll! :)
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Theres just no way that little stinker could fall over 6 feet without getting hurt! If she's climbing over....I'm scared....

    Honey's getting adopted. The family is coming out to see the puppies again..... They had to go home and thinkabout it over the weekend....
    But they called and want to come see HOney again. So thats a good sign. The only thing I don't like about this family, but can't turn them down about it, is that both parents work from 7am-5pm.....So no one is home from then till 5:30, but the two kids get homeat 3:30...so I guess its not that bad. They already have a dog. HE's an older mutt....but they say he's lonely, and want another dogso when he passes, they still havea a dog and it'll be easier on the kids. Plus the dog belongs to their daughter and the son is always wanted one, and primarilly takes care of the other, sooooo....

    They are a really nice family, and I think it'll all work out great!
    So goood luck HOneys!!!
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    ohhhh, my namesake is being adopted :D
    cant wait to see how the stinker Jimiya is getting out.

  7. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I think she is climbing! I can picture it, she climbs to the top and has to lean her shoulder down so she doesn't hit her neck or back or leags then rolls over and starts running around! Do you have a video camera? maybe you could catch it on video? I am glad Honey found a home!
  8. Jody

    Jody New Member

    LMAO @ Jamiya. I think she maybe climbing to, you'll have to set that camera up and see how she is doing it.

    Glad to hear honey's is getting adopted, I hope she goes to a good home where she'll be loved just as much as you gave her.

    :y_the_best: :mrgreen:
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    WE caught her!!!! The little fart! SHe's not climbing then falling (Thank goodness!) but she's found a loose spot in the chain link at the back of the kennel that she just pushes on and squeezes out!

    SO I got a peice of wire and secured it. Now she runs back there and pushes and pushes, but can't get through!!!! She gets soooo mad and starts to howl! OH now thats going to drive me insane!

    I let the whole herdout last ngiht. They're getting baths today, and they all took off towards Chewbecca (the obese squirl) it was soo funny! The squirl climbed to the first branch on the fig tree and just chirped and screeched at the pups, and they all barked and raise all kinds of heck!!!
    SO now we know we can rest easy and not have to worrya bout those evil squirls!!!
  10. Jody

    Jody New Member

    LMAO - you crack me up whenever you talk about this little pups. Have you ever posted a picture of them? If so, where? If not, can you pleaseeee!

    I'm glad you found where she was getting out. I could only imagine your delight when you found where she was getting out from.
  11. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Sam, glad to hear all the pups are doing well. I could definately sere Jamiya as being the hand full (;))

    Take care!
  12. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    You know Sams I was thinking our puppies came from the same liter on mars and accidently got seperated but now I know they are! My little devil is a master escape artist and all around pain in the rear. She broke my screen door the other day cause she wanted to go outside and play too. Although today she acidently locked herself in her crate so I still havent figured that one out yet!
    PS This is 3Dogsihave but had auspet change it for me!

  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ahem. What exactly do you mean by that, Bullylove? :wink:
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    he he he....always starting trouble!!!!he hehe

    Well, Sarge and Nik have come down with something. They are missing parts of their hair! I'm hoping its not mange again!!!!! SO off to the vet the whole litter is going! I've called Honeys new owners and advised them to take her in as well. WHich they were already planning on doing anyhow.

    Ugh......what did I ever do to deserve all this!
  15. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    ugghhh everything seemed to be going so good! You need to keep us updated on them! I hope they are ok!

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