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Japanese Chin

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Jamiya, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Does anyone have one of these or know someone who does? If so, what is your opinion of their personality, intelligence, trainability, common problems, etc?
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I don't think anyone here has one. I think they are beautiful little dogs though.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    =P~ Hi there Jamiya~

    I've "met" a few, and the few I met and interacted with were very friendly (of course they were extensively socialized by their owner), affectionate (real lap dog), playful, spunky, smart...basically, had an all around pleasing temperament! I honestly can't think of anything negative to say about the temperaments in the Japanese Chins I met.

    Health problems in that breed, the only ones I am aware of are the typical health related problems associated with "short-faced" breeds. Other than that, I am not terribly familiar with any other typical health problems in that breed (if there are any).

    Here's a great site that does and excellent and accurate job of pointing out the pros and cons of each breed - this is the link to the Jap Chin "good and bad" section of that site:

    http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/review ... echin.html

    I'm sure you are aware of dogbreedinfo.com, and the other common, but good sites that describe each breed in detail!

    That's the best I can answer in regards to your question, hope some of it helped! :D

    Are you considering getting one? The people that owned the Jap Chins I met absolutely loved them, and had great things to say as well! :y_the_best:
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Hey Jamiya, you gonna give in and get another dog? LOL. I have met a few and second what MyBaby said they seem to be great dogs. One that I met was very attached to his owner and really didnt want anything to do with anyone else and if you picked him up he would shake but I think that has more to do with poor socialization with people. I used to think they were the ugliest dogs on earth but their look is starting to grow on me!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Well, I have always wanted a Pom. Recently I looked into Papillons and decided maybe they were a better match. The woman who boards my dogs when we go on vacation has about 14 little Japanese Chins. They are tiny, cute little things. She raves about them - they are quiet, cuddly, smart, playful little dogs. It sounds like exactly what I am looking for (but not for a few more years).

    But, I have never liked the short-nosed look as much. I *love* the face of a Pom, with the little fox-like head sticking out of all that fur. And Papillons have a similar face, although I think they are generally larger than Poms?

    I know temperament is more important than looks, of course. But I want it all! :)
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I've seen a pap the same size as a pom. Maybe about 6 lbs.
  7. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    :eek: :eek:

    I have a friend who has a Japaneese Chin and he is cute as a button, smart and not really a barker. The one and only thing that I have been told about them is they are only loyal to one master. She says that the dog will have nothing to do w/her hubby or kids, it is only dedicated to her. Maybe that is just this particular dog, but I would just like to let you know that. LOL

    Now as for the papillions well there is a choice :-k :wink: I love mine. I think really every breed can be a wonderful pet, it is just preference. I have two papillons one is 21 months 11" and 11 lbs. The baby is 8 months, 8" and 4.5 lbs. They trully are very affectionite dogs, Max (older) is such a wonderful companion he just loves to be near me at all times they are my shadows. He just is very well behaved, learned commands fairly well, I have read that papillons are "one of the most intelligent of the toy breeds" I totally agree. My little Rosco well, we are still working on him, he is kind of stubborn but so darn cute. :kiss_her:

    I have never had a chin so for me I would definitly consider a papillon =P~ :0023:
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My wish list is:

    tiny and cute (under 10 pounds)
    soft dog - i.e. wants to please, easy to train
    not a barker
    cuddly lap dog
    smart but not stubborn
    playful but not hyper

    Of course, I want it to follow me around and love to be with me and be carried, but also okay when I leave. Has to be not difficult to housetrain. Long coat is okay, but I prefer one that does not need clipping - just brushing. And can't get carsick, either.

    Hmmm. Maybe a stuffed animal? :)
  9. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    I thought I would share my picture w/you again to see the papillons :eek: :eek:

    here is Rosco (little devil) 8-[

    And Max :m30:

    and together :kiss_her:
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have also thought about a chi - long-haired of course - but I have heard too many things about their attitudes. They're sure cute, though!

    I'll have to look at the agility papillons next time I go to a trial.
  11. pomlover

    pomlover New Member

    I have a Pom and love her to death, but she is quite the barker. I am working on correcting that, but it is taking alot. She is 6 months old and did wonderfully on "potty" training. She loves myself and my youngest daughter (who is 7). Lacie also likes hubby and 10 year old daughter, but she prefers Bailey or myself.

    Lacie is tiny and cute, :wink:
    wants to please everyone around.
    IS a barker (working on that)
    very cuddly
    VERY stubborn
    hyper, but still a puppy. All puppies are hyper.

    I would definately recommend a Pom. (but Papillons are quite cute too.)
    I have posted Lacies pic before but thought I would post again just incase you didn't see her. Hehehe. She is my joy!!
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Awwww! They are such cute little snowballs when they are babies!!

    I played with one at the pet store the other day (no, I would never buy from a pet store). He was so cute and fluffy! I put him down and he just kept bouncing around like Tigger and his whole teeny body was wiggling. He sure was a mouthy little devil!

    It's funny, because after going through Pup From Hell with Nala (border collie mixed with something really stubborn) I was thinking I could handle the next pup just fine. But this little guy was so teeny and so much younger than Nala when we got her that I could see me doing everything wrong! I mean, how do you stop a teeny little bouncy ball from jumping on you? I don't think his brain was even turned on! :lol:
  13. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    LOL @ Jamiya! :lol:
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yorkies. They're cute, too. Good thing I have lots of time to research this. :|
  15. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Jamiya you sound alot like me, I want one of everything (almost) big and small!

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