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Jimiya, did your go camping?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    wondering how it went with Nala and Bonnie, or is it this week-end?

  2. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    oh yeah! Did they goin the canoe?
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We decided to board the dogs. The deciding factor was that it was supposed to rain on Friday and Sunday, and the thought of wet, muddy dogs while camping was not fun. Plus I was really worried they would freak in the canoe and make the whole trip totally miserable.

    I missed them a lot, though, and I sort of wished I had brought Bonnie along. At least if she is scared she normally freezes which is easier to handle. Nala tends to panic and go totally insane, which is not so easy to handle (especially in a canoe). Bonnie would have been great to have by the campfire. Unless she was scared of it...

    I am going to work with them, though, and hopefully next year we can bring at least one of them.

    I also felt like I was being selfish in wanting to bring them. I decided they would be MUCH happier playing all weekend with other doggies than sitting in a canoe or being leashed in a campsite. If we were going hiking, that would be a different matter.

    There were a ton of dogs barking at night at the campground. THAT would have been a nightmare, trying to keep mine quiet with others barking.

    The one family in our group that brought their dog has a little 15-pound welsh terrier that is very calm and well-behaved. She slept in the tent with them. Nala and Bonnie would not be able to sleep in our tent - they would have had to be crated. And we would have had to drive two cars, because there is no way there would have been room in one.

    We'll get it all worked out, though, and bring them on a camping trip sometime. I really want to go backpacking with them, although food would be a tricky issue with them on raw and all. Perhaps I would purchase some freeze-dried raw? Not sure.

    We got the dogs back Sunday afternoon, wet from a last-minute unplanned romp in a mud puddle (the kennel owner's husband was mortified and apologized - he hosed them off but of course then they were very wet). The car was packed full, so I had Nala on the floor in front of me (passenger seat) and Bonnie on the floor in front of the kids in back. We all took showers when we got home. :)

    The dogs were totally wiped out and slept the whole afternoon. Like logs. Nala didn't even move when one of the cats walked through the room. They must have had a good weekend!

  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    That's great!! It all worked out for the best. I love it when Harley is too exhausted to do anything. She just looks hilarious sunk into the floor as low as she can go. hehe
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Bonnie was sleeping on the end of the couch and Nala didn't even try to tell her to get off. (Nala is the couch police.) Bonnie's head was hanging off part of the time. Silly doggie!

  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    it is a lot of work to take dogs camping. last year it was our first attempt at boat camping. We found a tiny nice island, but a cold snap came thru and it was very windy, we forgot our tent stakes. so we were out under the stars, but was so cold , Wylie was trying to get int eh sleeping bag to stay warm. I still had them tied to me. My husband said what are they going to do, go swim to the main shore int eh iddle of the night! We last just the night.

    last week-end was our first trip to the lake with the dogs. Wylie wore herself out, I kept checking on her on the ride back because she was passed out which she never does. But she was right at it when we got home,all she needs is her cat naps and she is ready to go.

    I am also slooking at getting freeze dried food for Jake when we travel

  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well I'm glad it all worked out! Maybe next year!

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