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Just bought a puppy!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by lucky, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. lucky

    lucky New Member

    Hello, my puppy (toy poodle) just a 12 weeks old. I feel inside his ears very dry. Is it normal? if not, what shoud i do? :?
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Are they dry to were the skin is flaky? Are his ears itching? Is he scratching? Is it only his ears or does he have dry skin elsewhere on his body?I would take him to your vet if your worried, you dont want to put anything in the ears unless theres a problem and if you dont know what the problem is you could make things worse by doing anything.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I have two mini poodles. One born of toy parents, so I call her a small mini, being she grew taller than 10 inches. I agree with Dela. If she has dry red flaky sore ears, it can be an infection or it can be an allergie. If they are simply just dry, nothing wrong there.

    This is something I like all poodle or floppy earred dogs to read. I use the powder and really does work. My poodle used to get infections but no longer. If you don't need this now, please save this in your favorites for future use. Check this out. Hey U.K. This stuff is bought in your nexk of the woods too.

    http://www.championpetsonline.co.uk/pop ... &p_i=35246
  4. lucky

    lucky New Member

    i hope it will go away byitself

    i realized that its happened after grooming. a few days ago, i took him to first grooming, just face and paws, and they cleaned his ears. I guess, they pulled hair from his ears not gently, and blood appears. I hope, its goes away by itself, i hope it is no infection there. But, i will wait for a few days ...
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    If he had alotttttttttttttttt of hair in his ears, then thats possible. They should have pulled in small batches. Pulling in big chunks can cause irritation. This is where an infection can take place. I would get some ear cleaner and give them a good cleaning, to wash away any forming bacteria. Some people use 50-50 of water and vinegar. And I know some also use alcohol too. To dry out the ear. But with bleeding that might hurt. Try to keep your dog from irritating the ear by scratching. E-collar if need be. It would be a good idea, for you to pluck the ear hair maybe twice a month to prevent this from happening again. Don't wait till he gets groomed again. It needs to be done often. Some people do it weekly. Its something that really needs to be done.

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