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Kittens going to the bathroom on my carpet

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Z24Door, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. Z24Door

    Z24Door New Member

    Hello everyone, So basicly here are the symptoms, I have 4 6 week old kittens that are constantly peeing and pooping in the corners of my room, it is beginning to become an annoyance cleaning up the urine spots and feces everyday and having to move everything in orer to get into there. I also have been fabreezing the carpet with the antibacterial formula and it seems to work great, and from what i can see it is only my room that they do this in. They are all litter trained and go in the box, it's just whenever my bedroom door is open, they decide that my room is the new washroom. Why is this so? :(
  2. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    Its impossible to say why they first started to do it, but the reason they are contiuing to do it is probably because they can still smell what they've done there before, even if you can't!

    I would suggest buying a specialist cleaner, this is the one I have used http://www.simplesolution.com/products_uk/forcats.htm I'm in the UK and this one is avaliable at most pet shops and sorted out a similar problem that I had.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    febreze won't eliminate the smell only cover it up. You can't smell it but they can so they assume it's okay to go there. You need something made specifically for pet odor elimination.
    And keep the door closed - I know it's hard to do but they'll get the idea
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    You need to use an enzymatic cleaner. Then I recommend placing a few treats over that area as cats don't like to eat and eliminate from the same place.
  5. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    I second the putting food there idea :y_the_best: This has helped to stop my 'stray' cat from spraying in the house, I feed him in the areas he used to spray and now he does it outside & it worked from the first day I did it! (I did use the cleaning product too)

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