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kumas sick

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by kyles101, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    well kuma hasnt been eating well the past week. at first we thought she might have an upset stomach or was being fussy but now she is starting to worry us. we took her to the vet last night and was told to watch her. this morning she threw up even though she hasnt eaten anything the past day and a half. so i took her back and they have taken bloods from her. we have to ring for the results tonight. basically it started like this. she wouldnt eat her breakfast for about 3 days. then she would leave some of her dinnner behind for 2 days. and yesterday and this morning she hasnt eaten at all. not like her at all. she has also been very tired and depressed like you wouldnt believe! youd think the world of dogginess has just had a nuclear bomb dropped on it or something. she has also had the grumps on at the park after 20 minutes of play. the vet noticed that she had a slow heart beat as well. im kind of suspecting hypothyroidism if there is a problem. its more common in akitas. and she is showing all the signs. anyone has/had a dog with this? or does anyone have a dog whos displayed these symptoms before. oh that kuma worries us so much!

  2. Jody

    Jody New Member

    Kyles, I hope Kuma gets better soon. Give him a cuddle for me.

  3. goob

    goob New Member

    Did they take any x-rays? Could maybe be a blockage.... has she been relieving herself like she normally does?
  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    no x-rays yet. she seems to be going ok. she had a sloppy on this morn though. but she does that alot due to her sensitive stomach.
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I had a Border Collie with hypothyroidism. She was loosing her fur, a little over-weight, not real energetic. The vet put her on a med called Thyroxin. It helped with her energy level and her fur problem. Still kept the weight on, though. I don't think she was throwing up from it. Hope all of Kuma's blood work comes back good.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Poor Kuma :( I would also be concerned abuot a blockage, maybe she got into something

    good luck
  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    well we got the results back. everything is fine. but they didnt do a thyroid panel so if the problem continues i will be requesting one. the odd thing is, even though kuma isnt eating, and is still exercising, she hasnt lost any weight!? odd. anyway, she ate her tea last night after bribing her, which i didnt want my partner to do just incase she is being fussy. this morning she hasnt eaten. if it was a blockage of some sort would kuma show signs of pain when pressed on the stomach? the vtes had a good feel of her tummy but they couldnt find anything.
  8. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    well kuma has been eating her 'lucky dog' bones, which she wasnt doing before so im hoping she is going to start eating her meals properly soon. she seemed to show a bit more interest in her breakfast this morn even though she didnt eat it. maybe she had a virus or was just going through a phase? hmm we will see. ill keep you all updated!
  9. Hi Kylie, I'm sorry to hear there may be something wrong with beautiful Kuma. If it were a virus, wouldn't that have shown up in the testing that was done? just wondering! I hope he begins to show interest in eating again real soon. Please do keep us posted!

    hugs for the boy! Susan
  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    hugs and kisses for Kuma!! Hope she starts to feel better soon! Please keep us posted!
  11. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i wouldnt *know if it would show up susan. kuma ate her dinner last night! ah relief!

    * what is with my typing today!
  12. All this time, i thought Kuma was a male...Sorry about that! SHE'S still beautiful though....

    So glad to hear she's eating again...

  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm glad to hear Kuma is doing better! :eek:

    A blood test will not show the presence of a virus. If you ever decide you want some other test done - like a thyroid panel - call right away and see if they can add it on. If the blood has not been disposed of yet, they may be able to run the test without drawing more blood. It depends on the test, though - some tests require specific handling of the blood so they may need to redraw anyway.

    I know this from human labs, but I assume the same holds true for dogs.

  14. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :?: Hi Kyles. How's Kuma doing? I never posted a reply, but it made me so sad that she was not feeling good. How's she now?
    I don't know much about thyroid(spelling?), but I do know that if a dog has a hypothyroid problem, then her fur would be all ugly, and she would be terribly lazy and so on. Of course all dogs are different, so you can never tell...
  15. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    kuma is doing fine now dogangel. shes started to eat her breakfast now! i will be keeping a close eye on her.
  16. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    Is she back to normal yet? Did thevet ever tell you what it was or is for shure?
  17. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    they didnt have any ideas at all. they probably see lots of animals off their food for no reason.

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