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Litter Box Training for Shih-Poo

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Reilly, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. Reilly

    Reilly New Member

    Please Help

    My husband and I are 1st time dog owners. We got a 12 week old Shih-Poo. So far thing are fine, except we have a problem with potty training.

    We ideally want to train him to use a litter box, because sometimes he will be home alone for 6-8 hours while we work. So far, he is going in the litter box about 90% of the time.

    The problem is this: Once he goes #2 in the litter box, he does not like to go back in until it is all cleaned up (this is when he goes to the bathroom on the floor instead.) He will also play in his doggy poop sometimes if we don’t clean it up right away.

    How can we avoid these two things from happening? We cannot clean his box all the time because of being gone. How do we train him to go in the litter box no matter what, and then not play in his mess afterward?

    We thought that changing to dog litter instead of the absorbable paper might help, but we are just not sure.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    How about one of the self-cleaning litter boxes? Once your puppy uses it, the box will "clean" itself mechanically, and deposit the waste in a special container that you just have to remove when you get home. It should work well unless/until your puppy gets too big to fit in it. By that time puppy should be needing the box less often, and you can change to a regular type box if necessary.
  3. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    How about one of the self-cleaning litter boxes? Once your puppy uses it, the box will "clean" itself mechanically, and deposit the waste in a special container that you just have to remove when you get home. It should work well unless/until your puppy gets too big to fit in it. By that time puppy should be needing the box less often, and you can change to a regular type box if necessary.
  4. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Oh, i don't know anyyyyything about the litter boxes... but wanted to say congratulations on your shihpoo!! :) We're a two-shih-poo family too... GOTTA LOVE EM!

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