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little black fuzzies shedding from shihpoo

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by IHeartShihPoo, Dec 24, 2004.

  1. IHeartShihPoo

    IHeartShihPoo New Member

    Lobo is about 3 months old now and I just noticed as I was brushing his hair today there were tiny black fuzzes everywhere! Is this just puppy fur that they will grow out of? It's strange because shihpoos are normally non shedding especially since they are mixed with the poodle :x
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    The only hair I ever se from my poodle is on the brush. All puppies are born with a puppy coat, then it grows out usually with toy breeds by about 1 year. With mixes its not always 100% non shedding. Is your dog loosing clumps of hair? Thats not normal.
  3. IHeartShihPoo

    IHeartShihPoo New Member

    Well with the metal bristel brush (it has rounded tips so it's not too sharp) a lot of little fuzzies show up there. He doesn't really shed anywhere else though ..just when I brush him. It's probably just puppy hair
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Thats perfect. Usually the only hair you will find on a dog with continueous growing hair is in the brush after brushing. But yes their coats do change. Sounds all nornal to me. A slicker brush is best to use.
  5. IHeartShihPoo

    IHeartShihPoo New Member

    thanks that's great to hear :D

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