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lonely pacu needs help...

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by galatians2_20a, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. galatians2_20a

    galatians2_20a New Member

    :m13: I have had two Pacus for about two and a half years. I have dedicated myself to providing what ever they need no matter what, because I love to watch them interact with eachother and follow me around the room in (with limitations of course) I recently had a camp trip with my church and they have always been fine without me as long as i feed them before i leave and a soon as i get back and my room mate turns the light on and off. our apt stays really hot so i have turned the heater off to avoid the aquarium from over heated because they stop eating when it does. my room mate thought my room had gotten too hot and turned two fans on in my room and opened the window and shut the door. being unpredictable south ga it went from an 80 degree day to having a frost at night several nights in a row, all while having my window open and fans going on around my tank. One fish died but the other larger one recovered, but is suffering the effects of losing it's life friend. Is it going to help if i find it another tank mate? (the tank is plenty big enough and looks very empty with only one fish) If it will what would be the best fish?
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Sorry about your pacu. :(

    Exactly how big is the tank? How big is the pacu?

  3. galatians2_20a

    galatians2_20a New Member

    he is about the size of a dinner plate in a 150 gallon tank, I know he will get bigger and plan on buying a much larger tank later on. I know people say this alot but i really do intend on buying a bigger tank when the time comes.
  4. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I wouldn't add anything until you actually have the bigger tank (and by bigger, I hope you mean several hundred gallons. Especially if you want to get another pacu.).

  5. galatians2_20a

    galatians2_20a New Member

    well im not getting another pacu, right now buford is enjoying the extra attention, but i would still like to eventually get him another tank mate. what would be the most compatable?
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    I still think you should wait on adding tankmates until you have the bigger tank.

  7. galatians2_20a

    galatians2_20a New Member

    I am waiting but i would still like to know what would be compatible
  8. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    It will all depend on what size tank you end up getting.


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