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Looking for People who Have Dogs W/ Seizures

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by BubbasNannie, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. BubbasNannie

    BubbasNannie New Member

    Hi, I am looking for people with dogs that have seizures. I have a 8 year old jack russell padderdale mix. He is the LOVE of our life. He is spoiled rotten. But for about 5-6 years now he's been having seizures. He is on Phenobarb twice a day. About 3 years ago he had a cluster seizure the doctors advised us that he was brain dead and that it would be best to put him down. We decided we didnt want him to suffer my mom asked if we could see him first. The doctor said I don't want you to be upset he's seized for about 9 hours now he doesn't know anyone or anything he won't even notice that you walked in the room. We went back and he was seizing at the time. But when my mom got in his site he was seizing and shaking but he scooted towards her and tried to throw his tongue to lick her. She said no way. I don't care how much it cost what you have to do he knows us we can't put him down. The doctor was amazed because he hadn't acknowledged them the whole time he had been there. He said his eyes weren't even responding to light. He had one seizure after we left the room and did not seize again. They kept him in the hospital for 3 days. We brought him home he could not stand, hold his tongue in his mouth, he couldn't eat, he didn't even know how to go potty. I stayed up around the clock with him dropping water in his mouth because his tongue just laid to the side. I fed him cream soup with a dropper. I took him outside and my husband would hold him up for me and I would rub his bottom to get him to go potty. He came around slowly more and more every day. The first thing he did was try to lift his head, then I taught him how to hold his tongue in his mouth. Once I taught him how to sit up again. He was really wobbly like a infant learning to walk.. lol I started teaching him to walk. And goodness when he took his first step it was like my own child. I taught him how to bark, eat, everything from scratch all over again. So that experience really brought us very close together. he gained a trust in me during that time like no one would ever believe he depended on me for everything. But we made it through it. And he has lived 5 additional pain free years since. The doctors have told us should he go into another cluster seizure there is nothing they can do. But I thank The doctors and God for the WONDERFUL 5 years we've had with him so far. It gets difficult at times. And I would like to chat with other people in this situation. share stories, and helpful ideas... ect.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You might try searching for a Yahoo group - they have one for just about everything! That being said, I think there are people here who have (or had) dogs who have seizures.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    My 9yr old toy poodle has seizures but they are not as severe (less than 4x per year) and usually very short. My vet said she did'nt want to put him on Phenobarb unless he began having them 4x or more annually....which she seemed to think will happen over time. He had me worried recently because he's had 2 this year in very close proximity of each other, one in June and one this month a few days ago which seemed to last a little longer than usual.
    I wish you and your dog well in the years to come. Its great that he's come so far and its been 5yrs already!

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