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Losing Hair & scratching

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ahchth, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. ahchth

    ahchth New Member

    I have a new Pekepoo. She is 3 months old. Her mother and father are both light tan in color. Our pekepoo was all black. She is now itching alot and also her hair is thining out. It is also turning colors and has some light hair coming through, but seems to be a different texture than her fluffy hair.

    Took her to a vet, he said not to worry unless she gets a bald spot.

    Is this normal? As I am a first time dog and pekepoo owner.
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    :eek: WELCOME to Auspet!!! :eek:

    The texture change in her coat could be attributed to her coat changing from the puppy coat to the adult coat. As far as the color change, it is not uncommon at all for a poodle mix to change (and/or lose) color. One of my shih-poos (1/2 Shih-tzu, 1/2 poodle) had lots of color in his coat when we picked him up from the breeder, but over the course of the next several months, he lost all of his colorful markings and is now practically ALL white!!! Many other poo-cross owners on the board, and poo-cross owners I know personally, have reported the same thing. So don't worry, the color change is completely normal!

    You mentioned scratching - Is it just the normal amount of scratching, or is it excessive? If it's excessive, there could be so many reasons as to why she might be scratching excessively. Be sure you are not bathing her too often, for it will surely dry her skin out in no time. (By the way, I HIGHLY recommend Earthbath products for bathing you pup, they have an EXCELLENT line of shampoos and conditioners!!! :wink: ) Other than that, there could be a skin condition behind it, if it is excessive. If it is a skin condition, it's a good idea to have her evaluated to see what exactly the skin condition is b/c some skin conditions require treatment. However, right now, I wouldn't be too concerned if her scratching isn't excessive, and you notice no bald or abnormal spots on her. Just keep a close eye on the situation and watch for any odd looking spots, balding, or excessive scratching! :y_the_best:

    Best wishes with your new pup!!! :D
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

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