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Lovable dog stories

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    These past few days with another dog made me realize things about Luther that I take for granted, or that I used to not like so much. So I was wondering if you guys had any stories or special things your dog does.
    Like for example, this dog thinks I (or my bf, whoever is closest) am the best thing ever and if shut the door, with us on one side and her on the other she seems sad. Luther doesn'T care he chooses to go to the other room, because he doesn't want to be in the same room. Like for instance the bathroom, if Luther sees us go into the bathroom, he goes the other direction, I think for fear of getting wet, but this dog will try to stick her nose in to try to comein too. At first when Luther never cared where I was walking, it hurt my feelings, because my last dog followed me everywhere! But with this dog I always feel bad moving because she might be sleeping and will wake from a dead sleep to walk to the other side of the room with me.
    Another thing is water, this dog loves it, Luther won't go near it! we have a pool and within 5 minutes of being outside she immediately jumps in and splashes and plays, Luther will avoid that part of the yard. Before it bugged me that he would never go swimming with me, now when she comes back soaking wet I think I am sooo glad he doesn'T like water!
    Food, yes Luther loves to eat anything, but not everything, he is actually quite picky with his dog food and snacks, although he will eat most human food given to him by anyone! She any trash anything that "smells good" (she is the dog that would eat your homework) but with her treats she only takes them from me, not from my bf?
    Those are just some of the things that at first I really bothered me Luther didn't do, and now I am super glad he doesn'T do. It has made me realize a few things. 1 Luther is a great dog(which I often take for granted) 2 He has his own very unique personality and he is just the way he is, and I think no matter how much training he will still only do the same things! 3 I could never have another dog, it would break Luthers heart to share me with someone else
    Sorry I have been babbling. I want to hear everyone elses stories.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, I have noticed things like that with Bonnie and Nala.

    Bonnie is easy. She is calm in the house, she follows me around, and she cuddles with me, which I love! Nala doesn't do these things. But she has a ton of personality and is always doing goofy things. She loves to play and she's confident so you can mess with her without worrying about harming her. She makes us laugh. She jumps in the car and sits down and waits without being told - even the very first time! She is also a moose and knocks over everything that can be knocked over. And she will eat anything she can get in her mouth!

    Both dogs are different and I love different things about each of them. The skunk smell, however, I could do without....
  3. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Yes my dog is very special. When she was little I would always hide her on my lap under the table during dinner. Now that she weighs 60 pounds she is alwasys on my lap. We have ahd a few wreaks though. I was sitting in one of those chair that will collapse if you try to scoot it back. We aspin comes running and jumps on my which causes the chair to slide back, which causes the chair to collapse on both of us. it was quite interesting getting untangled from that. :lol:
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    lil: Sometimes when I'm in my bedroom for the night and my two dogs are there on their beds, I just look at them and become overwhelmed at how much I love them. They adore me just as much as I adore them. Then I wonder if I'm worthy of their adoration. On the most part they are so well-behaved, but then they can do some things that some non-animal people would think deplorable. They can look at me with kitty litter all over their faces and want to give me a big ol kiss, or wake me up at 3A.M. wanting to play, or chew up my sun glasses, or dig up my favorite fern, chew one of my only pair of tennis shoes, but they still look at me like I am their reason for breathing. And even though they do things that I just want to murder them for, they just look at me with those adoring eyes, I just laugh and think, all these things can be replaced. My Reese and Grace give me the gift of my first smile of the day. (Don't tell my Husband). This is something only a dog lover can understand.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    that is so sweet I know exactly what you mean!
  6. winnie

    winnie New Member

    Its funny cause with Sydney I always try and get her to stop barking and making noises when she plays with Lana and Winnie. But lastnight when she stayed at the Vets my house seemed so quite and empty, I didnt like it, I missed her noises. Also at night I always have 3 dogs sleeping with me, and sometimes I wish they wouldn't cause it gets crowded since I only have a Full sized bed. But lastnight it was tooo roomy, I missed having all 3 of them with me on the bed.

    The two puppies are not fully trained yet and when i got them I realized how wonderful Winnie is, she is so well trained and listens so well. I really appreciated her after I got the puppies.
  7. Mix Breed lover

    Mix Breed lover New Member

    I have had Parker only 8 months now but I couldn't imagine my life without him. He is the kind of dog who likes to give hugs. When I'm sitting he'll come up to me and put his head in my lap. He likes to give kisses and is always under foot. I wouldn't trade him for the world. He actually saved my family one night. He woke me up at 3:00 in the morning barking and carrying on. He never does this but I thought he just wanted out. I told him to go away. I was sleeping but he was very persistant. Finally I got up. As soon as I opened the door he tore out and there was a man in my back yard. He hopped the fence but Parker managed to get ahold of his leg. He did his best to pull the guy back over but he got away. I called the police but they never found him. We figured he was trying to break in and Parker stopped him. My husband works third shift and I have three small kids. Who knows what might have happened if Parker hadn't been there. I will forever call him my hero. He is my baby and is so loved. Parker rocks. :eek:

    I am just getting to know my Danni. She is very sweet and loving. She wants nothing more than to be with her people. I took her with me to my daughters soccor practice and she really wanted to play with the kids. She likes to sit in my lap. I keep telling her she is going to get to big to be a lap dog. She doesn't seem to think so. She is into everything and is always causing trouble, but I wouldn't have it any other way. She is playful and rotten and loveable. She is quiclky becoming Parkers best friend. You know what's funny. I didn't plan on adopting her. I actually was looking at dogs not puppys but I am so glad I did. We have all fell in love with her. We are now a two dog family. My life is now complete. :lol:

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