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LucyLu have question for you

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by WinniPoo, Dec 31, 2004.

  1. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    LucyLu----your right she and Winnie look like twins. May I ask where you bought her from. If you don't want to post, you could email me privately at www.mti6191@aol.com I got Winnie from Texas, glad I have her but the breeder was another story.
  2. LucyLu

    LucyLu New Member

    I got her from a breeder in GA, about an hour south of Savannah. The breeder was very nice. She has poodles and malteses that are her family dogs. They breed and make the maltepoos, so the maltepoos are raised in her home. Lucy was basically potty trained when we got her because she has been with the adult dogs for 12 weeks and followed them and learned to potty outside. We took Lucy to the vet 2 days after we got her and she has a yeast infection in one ear and a bacteria infection in the other. She had a lot of hair in those ears too. This really ticked me off. :x

    The breeder had to know that something was going on....Lucy had brown stuff in her ears and shook her head a lot. I knew something was up, and this is my first dog. I guess maybe the breeder didn't want to spend more money at the vet since we were getting her soon??? It surprised me because she doesn't seem like that kind of person.

    Another thing that I am nervous about is that the Vet said Lucy has a very small heart murmur. She said on a scale from 1-6, 6 being the worst, Lucy's is a 1 and she thinks it will go away as she continues to grow up. It still makes me nervous :cry:

    We are taking her back to the Vet in about 3 weeks to have her ears and heart checked again.

    I can't believe how much our pups look alike!!!! How old in Winnie??
  3. unika

    unika New Member

    My toy poodle looks like your malti=poo

    OMG Bella looks like your doggie but she is a toy poodle ..she is 8wks. and looks identical ..I wish I had pictures.... Does your baby play..bella seems so depressed my hubby has a puppy pitbull (rednose) he is soooo sweet and playful (toooo hyper though) his name is peanut and he is 10wks ...but bella won't play with him..... she just sleeps..eats very little and sits in her pillow and just looks around, or she will just sleep on my lap. I am having problems potty training her and keeping her bottom clean.I don;t want to shave her completlely(hate the look) I want her to look like the cute little pillow she is but how do I keep her clean."??????ANy ideas????
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    You will end up clipping her bum, because you will get sick of cleaning poop off of her bum. More than likely she will end up with a short hair trim too. Long hair is hard to keep matt free. Unless you are going to keep a supply of baby wipes handy for the rest of her life.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    You will end up clipping her bum, because you will get sick of cleaning poop off of her bum. More than likely she will end up with a short hair trim too. Long hair is hard to keep matt free. Unless you are going to keep a supply of baby wipes handy for the rest of her life.
  6. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    LucyLu: Winnie will be 6months old on Jan. 6th she was born July 6th the day before my birthday. Winnie also had an ear infection when we got her. She also had round worms. The medication took care of both. My breeder was from Texas. I wish I had done more research before buying from her. I first had a puppy on hold with a women only 2 hours from me. The week we were surposed to pick him up, he became very sick, and we waiting for 2 weeks for him to recover, he never did. The vet had to put him down because he was so sick and weak. I became so attached to that puppy before even meeting him. The breeder emailed me everyday with updates she was great and sent me pictures of him. She returned all my money and offered me a puppy from her next litter. I would have had to wait 4 months before bringing another puppy home. After losing him I wanted a puppy so bad, that's when I found Winnie's breeder. I'm glad I have Winnie but if I knew then what I know now I never would have purchased a puppy from her. Winnie had phenomia (is that how you spell that?) I thought I was going to lose her too. Today she is so healthy and happy. We really enjoy her so much. Keep me posted on Lucy's health, I'm sure she will be just fine. How did you get the little picture of her up? I have the perfect picture to post if I could just figure it out.

    Unika: Your baby sounds great. I do have a few suggestions for a cleaner behind. I had that problem with Winnie. Her food had too much fat in it, causing her poops to be very soft. I changed her food gradually to a brand with less fat that my vet recommended to me. Sometimes she still gets a messy butt, and we just wash her little behind, she doesn't like to be messy there. As for you other pup, I hope they become friends. We also have a Keeshound he is about 60 lbs. He is very friendly and 9 years old. He did not like Winnie at first. We kept them separated for a while. We would only let them together for short periods of time (5-10 min.) They could still see each other and touch noses and paws though the gate. When Logan started showing more interest in Winnie we increased the time. Logan use to sit home all day and sleep and hardly move around, now he chases Winnie around the house and they have a ball together. He even corrects her when he knows she doing something wrong. (she jumped up on the trash can one day and he went over and knocked her down.) We use to let her jump around the front lawn when she was tiny (she looked like a bunny) then one day she started running and we couldn't catch her. My husband said "Logan go get her" and he caught her and pushed her down so we could pick her up. Don't get me wrong sometimes he just doesn't want anything to do with her. So he tells her and she finds something else to do. They drink out of each other bowls and Winnie tries to steal his food. When she was real little she would sleep in his food dish and splash in his water dish. Sorry, I went off track. I could go on forever telling you the funny stories with these guys. I hired a personal dog trainer because I was worried about my two not getting along. She said they just need to find their place with each other and they will find it together. The older dog needs to be alpha. I hope I helped you somewhat. I know I got off track but if I can answear anything else let me know. Good Luck!!

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