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Mai Tai and Dixie update

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    it was a rough start.
    MaiTai is easier, more relaxed in spite of her lack of vision (vet check Saturday).
    Dixie, on the other hand, was absolutely terrified. She hid under the sofa and I was having to forcefeed her.
    But last night.....
    I went home from work and Dixie was laying under the sofa, but at the edge, so she was oozing from under the skirt. I laid down and started to pet her...she oozed out further. When I started to give her chin scritches she'd get closer and closer until she finally came out and hasn't gone back under. :eek: :eek:
    I gave her a bath cause both cats have horrible dandruff and greasy fur. I think Dixie is much more relaxed now cause she's clean and not itchy. MaiTai gets one tonight which really breaks me up cause she can't see what kind of torture we are doing to her.
    But today...I bought some 9 Lives canned tuna for them and ears perked up and dishes got cleaned :y_the_best: obviously it's their food of choice. They need diets but they must eat so the diets will come later.
    Then I gave them some toys and this is what happened. I'm pleased to say neither cat is terrified anymore and Dixie is an absolute love hound. She headbutts to the point where you have to sit down or be knocked over.
    I can't possibly explain the feeling I have gotten over this. Dixie was shaking in her boots now she's so funny

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Thats so cool, Ive had the pleasure of 'that feeling' a few times..nothing quite like it when you know youve got their trust.
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    That's great news, and they both look adorable :eek:
    When you foster as much as you do, do you keep them separated from your cats the entire time? Even if they stay for a long time? Just curious :wink:
  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    yes Bente....the incoming fosters have to remain isolated from 10-14 days. Then slow integration. My cats are getting pretty used to cats coming/going LOL I think they behave now cause they fear it's only a matter of time before they head out :cry:
    I have to isolate in case the fosters should end up with ringworm or something like that. Takes a few days for some stuff to show up - it's basically for the health of my cats this is done...and it's mandatory by the rescue group I foster for.
    Zeus is always curious about what's behind door #1
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I'm so glad to hear things are going well. Very cute pictures. :D
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :eek: That's great news Mary! They are beautiful girls!
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    The girls are absolutely adorable. I'm so glad they are coming around. :eek:
  8. ChloesMom

    ChloesMom New Member

    What a happy ending to such a sad story. Sounds like Dixie is adjusting. Hopefully they will get a permanent home soon. Why did MaiTai lose her sight? I raised scotties and one of mine became blind after getting diabetes. She lost her sight so gradually you would have never known that dog was blind.
  9. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the initial examination of MaiTai's eyes show hemorrhaging and retinal scarring. Asked my eye care professional about this today (my son got his 16th b-day present today of contact lenses...he's worn glasses since he was 4)
    anyway....the retinal scarring was most likely caused by a bleed behind the eyes (cause unknown) the bleeding causes the tissue behind the retina to lay flat and become useless (and irrepairable). BUT there is always a chance that the entire retina tissue wasn't damaged and she might be able to see something depending on where those things fall into her line of vision. Will know more tomorrow after her vet visit

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