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male shih tzu marking... HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by evansfmly5, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. evansfmly5

    evansfmly5 New Member

    I have a 2 year old male shih tzu... (and a female too, but this is about the male) he keeps marking in my house... not cuz he has to go potty or anything. We are in the middle of a remodel and I do have crates for them... anyways, my husband took them out yesterday to go potty and they both went, and when they came back into the house he lifted his leg to my sink box that is sitting in my hall. (waiting to be installed) We are going to tear out our carpets and install laminate flooring thru out my home... but my question is.... is there something I can do to stop him from doing this? We are really frustrated!
  2. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Amy... is your male neutered??? My friend who had just gotten a 1 year old shihtzu brought him over to my house... sure enough, the little fart started marking on my furniture!! I nearly had a coronary! LOL.... he wasn't fixed at the time.... now that he's fixed, he doesn't do that when he comes to his Auntie's house anymore! LOL
  3. evansfmly5

    evansfmly5 New Member

    No, he is not fixed... we have a female also that we breed, but he turns into a whole new dog during her time. LOL And this so happens to be that time.... we are doing our darndest to keep them separate at all times... we have 2 crates and everything... but I haven't figured out the eating thing, like when will they eat... can't be at the same time, cuz the little turkey will get her. This is her first heat since her pups were born in April... uggghhh
  4. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    then that's likely to be the reason why he's marking... are you planning on neutering?

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