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maltese & shihtzu mix

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Chauntelle, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. Chauntelle

    Chauntelle New Member

    Anyone know much about this breed? I don't even know what they look like. Are they cute? Are they better than a malti-poo? Can't decide whethere to get a maltese/shih zu mix or a malt-poo.


  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Like any mixed breed, it's difficult to predict what they'll be like. Some will be more Maltese in appearance, some more Shih Tzu, some an equal blend. But they're all pretty cute.

    It's more important that both parents are healthy and free of serious genetic disorders. Both should be health tested prior to breeding, including an examination for structural defects that could be passed on to the puppies. This would include, but is not limited to, hernias, luxating patellas, hip problems, dental misalignments, and eye disorders.

    Temperment wise, if both parents have good temperments the mix should be a lot of fun. Shih's and Malties both tend to be happy little chappies. But of course, individual temperments can vary a great deal.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think the difference you would get is if its a shihztu mix, you may get the more smushed face, bigger eyes, and teeth of the shihtzu. It seems to dominate. If Maltese poodle mix their faces are a bit more alike in shape, so you could get more malt looking with shorter legs longer body or more poodle like. Most malti-poos have more so wavy hair as aposed to the curlier poodle coat. But its really a toss in the gene pool as to which it will pull from.
  4. DogLover

    DogLover New Member

    I don't know much about this mix, but my neighbor has one. That little boy has a look of Shih Tzu with smaller face and the body of a Maltese. The color is pure white, and very furry. The hair length is that of a Shih Tzu. That dog has a mellow personality. Like others mentioned, it's hard to predict what it looks like.
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Here are a few pics I found of maltese x shih tzu mixes, but again its hard to give a definite answer.




  6. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    If you want a mixed dog go to the pound, or a rescue to get one. Maltese/Shihitzu or Maltese/Poodles are not "breeds" They are mixes. You will never know what it will lok like, it can look like either one or both. generally people who mix dogs of different breeds (for the purpose of breeding, and by accident) have not checked into health issues found in either breed, so you will be just as lucky with a dog for the pound or a rescue. Please check into rescues, before you promote the senseless breeding of mixed dogs.
  7. Mockingcat

    Mockingcat New Member

    I've gotta agree with lil96. Most of the fad breeders don't health check their dogs, and you could end up with a puppy that has a plethora of genetic problems.

    If you go to Petfinder.com right now you can find dozens of mixie dogs just like the one you want. :)

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