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Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by BeagleLover, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. BeagleLover

    BeagleLover New Member

    can anyone tell me if maltipoos are available in england??
  2. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    Can't say if I have ever seen a breeder from England, check around on the internet, most breeder do ship puppies. I was just looking at a website and the puppy was going to Spain. Please be careful and choose your breeder carefully. Our maltipoo came to us sick at 8 weeks old, she is 4months old now and just fine and the funniest baby ever.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Being you are in England, you have so many countries nearby. You could easily hop on a train, boat or whatever to go pick a pup up. I know they are sold here, there must be a breeder near you. My cousins are in England too.

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