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mim pin ears

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ttexan, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. ttexan

    ttexan New Member

    we just purchased an 8 week old min pin w/ what appears to be poorlt cropped ears. can the ears be cropprd again and braced?
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    As politely as I can say this:

    PLEASE don't have your min pin's ears cropped! Save your pup from the pain and suffering that he will endure as a result of the ear cropping! I see no need to put him through it just so his ears can look "cosmetically pleasing!"

    Please take no offense to my statement, I surely don't mean it that way! I just don't agree with cosmetic surgeries such as ear cropping (it's actually banned in many countries, and for a good reason)!

  3. Jas

    Jas New Member

    The ear cropping was already done by the sounds of it.

    Ttexan, can you contact the breeder for advice? Was it just the taping that isn't allowing the ears to sit right or the actual crop? I know the ear training and standing process can take a long time. I don't have a breed with cropped ears but if the breeder isn't available try contacting the Min Pin Club (use a websearch) there might be some helpful info on their site or ask some of the club members if there is someone who can help you. Maybe you should consult with your vet if the whole process needs to be redone.

    Good luck

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