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Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by HunterPrincess, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. HunterPrincess

    HunterPrincess New Member

    I'd like to know just how big they generally get. one site I looked at said 3 inches, and another said six. Also, how well do they get along with killifish? And would it be too much to put three mollies and two killifish in a 12 gallon tank?


  2. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    a molly? i think thsoe generally get to around 2" at most, not 6 "....also, i think that would be fine to have 2 killifish and 3 mollies in a 12 gallon.
  3. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    lol, that was exactly what i was gonna say! lol.. yeah about 2 inces should be about right iv never seen a 6 inch one....and yeah they are ok to be together.
  4. HunterPrincess

    HunterPrincess New Member

    thanks guys for the help... does that also include the lyretail mollies? I'd really like to have a black, platinum, and one dalmation lyretails, and two golden lyretail killifish. I don't have my tank yet (I love to plan ahead) but I'm thinking of getting the eclips system 12... sounds good? oh, and I'm going to decorate with a mix of live plants and fake coral...

  5. grnlemonade

    grnlemonade New Member

    yep all mollies are around 2".....setup sounds good to mean but just make sure your tank is cycled so the fish dont get ssick on you
  6. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    Also with the fake coral make sure all rough edges are sanded down.

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