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Monday night Adventure turns into...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sara, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Sara

    Sara New Member

    A week-long or more saga...

    So yesterday at work a woman asked me if I knew anyone who'd be up for Great Dane cross puppies... I said I could check around but that we might actually be interrested depending on size as Ozzy is running out of playmates at our place because he's so much bigger. In a few months a playmate would be nice for him to have around once we're moved and have a dog run up etc... Soooo we took the drive to check out the puppies... Mom is a black dane bred on her first heat by a fence jumper. Four fat black puppies were in a pen on a bed of straw...no water. Mom was of course looking pretty bad as she herself was trying to sustain herself and her pups. Her teets were already lack in milk for the size of these pups (we're thinking four weeks) as they were all at least 12lbs. All walking but not running about or anything and mostly sleeping. We picked an outgoing girl and took her home. Poor thing was pale and dehydrated and hungary and cried all night long...ack... We comforted, pottied and fed throughout the night to help her through the whole weaning on top of losing all familiarity.

    She's a sweetheart and lonely... I also am babysitting a boerboel pup for my friend/breeder Rayna till Saturday so it'll be exciting at my house for the rest of the week!
  2. DMikeM

    DMikeM New Member

    4 weeks and taken away from mommy? Did you mention to the dog owner about the need for water and more food for the mom?
    I understand removeing the pup for it's own safety, maybe but the dog owner needs education and you could be in the best position to educate her.

    Not trying to come down on you or point fingers but we all need to help inform others on the proper way to raise our pets when ever we can.
  3. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Oh yes definately... However most of the time we visited about water and feeding and mentioning my own experience raising my own litter as well as other little ones were met with a Dear in the Headlight stare from the woman and a "he he yeah I know everything too" response from the husband.

    The woman who told me of the pups has been working on them through ownership of two dogs, mom and another dog April now probably about 2 or so and they still have no clue...like talking to a brick wall, literally. Wish the would have listened...we could have left the pup there for at least another week. Instead we took her and hope the others on their way to pick up the other puppies would know what to do with their new charges...urgh...

    I hate that.

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Which pup are ya bby sitting? I'm hoping she'll bring Branagan. The couple doesnt care if its a boy or girl, they LOVE him! LOL. they think hes just awsome. LOL

    I can't wait either! I think we'll have lots of fun, the onlything better, would be you coming down too!!! We could get in some pretty serious trouble!
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Pez is the one I'm babysitting. He's a little brindle male out of Tigan. CUTIE too. I did get to meet Brannigan and so she does expect that the people who want him will likely take him. She's brining All of Vaders pups which will be two females... (banging head against desk) but I can't remember their names.

    up all night with puppy screeming every two hours for at least 45minutes either we play with her or she screams...poor kiddo all alone. She's got her stuffy though. I may hit the Petsmart this weekend and see if I can't find one of those snuggle buddies that you microwave for her to sleep next too. That might help. I dunno though. She's a hard headed little pup.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I'm pretty sure they want him. If not.. Tee hee.... I might be writing her a check! LOL... I like him too, but I thought it was a Female. Silly me.

    Sucks about Maui though. She was a real cutie! i hope she turns out alright, either way, she should go to a pet home....

    have you tried the Felloway? I would. that stuff works wonders. I used it on the kittens, and the last resscue pup I had. He was a screamer too. If you weren't petting him and touching him at ALL times of the night, he'd scream and howl. I finally gave up and went and got one. That night the lil buggar only whined twice to go potty. Slept the rest of the time!

    can he see the other dogs?
  7. Sara

    Sara New Member

    felloway... Never heard of it I don't think...

    Where to get it?

    Yes sad about Maui, I really liked her cute wise...I hope all goes well though and she does have a long life....

    I'm sooooo tired I may just crash here at work...on my desk...do you think they'd still pay me?

  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think Felloway is the cat product, isn't it? The similar dog product I know of is D.A.P. = Dog Appeasing Pheromone. PetCo has it here: http://www.petco.com/Shop/petco_Pro...+95+30+5591_sku_646849MP3_familyID_10534.aspx.

    One of the women who fosters puppies for our rescue swears by a doggie lullaby CD. I can find out which one it is if you like. She had a pup that would NOT stop crying and carrying on - for weeks she put up with it and finally she got this CD and not a peep for the whole night. Sounds too good to be true to me, but I believe that it worked for her pup!

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