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More "Phrases You Never Thought You'd Say"

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Sarge'smom, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    "Sarge! Drop that battery! Nicholaus get your brothers diaper off of your head and Alex put your pants back on now! Where is your father?!?" This morning's quote of the day at my house.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We did not have a very verbal morning, but my daughter did take about 20 minutes to put on her socks and shoes. I think that's a new world record! She's 10, by the way....
  3. Rene

    Rene New Member

    thats funny you made me think of all the things i said this morning all before 7 am when i leave. Butter and Fonzi (kittens) get out of my sink you are flinging water all over my mirror ok now get out of the garbage crap where did you get that roll of TP :shock: yelling at my son to wake up and get in the shower sebastain stop bitting jasmines ear, jasmine get out of the cat box :0024: and as i'm saying all this i have to be very careful where i walk because never fails the house is like a race track in the morning both kittens and the yorkies running all over the place and they dont watch for you they will just run over you lol

    wow now i'm tired thinking about the stupid stuff i do in the morning all before i drive for an hour and a half to sit at a desk till 5 then go home and do it all over again

    ahh the joys of fur parenthood :lol:
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    he he he he he......kinda quite (normally) around my house....I'm the first up, Feed say good morning to everyone (animals that is) Get dressed, and off to work I go!

    Except for this morning. I guess Granvel was in a REALLY goofy mood. He and Smokey both jumped on me and started BOTH licking me and whining!!! Granvel acting like a puppy was soooooo funny!!!!!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I always find it amazing how much I do in the morning before going to "work" where I get to sit around all day before going home to do a billion more things. My husband, on the other hand, crawls out of bed, into the shower, and then out the door.

    When he goes to bed at night, he's like, "I'm tired" and 3 seconds later he's in bed. I'm like, "I'm tired" and then I feed the mice and the STO and fill water bowls and remember the kids needed a note for school the next day and write a check to pay a bill and oh yeah the wash needs to be moved from the washer to the dryer and CRAP! I forgot to e-mail the PTA preseident to ask how to exchange the wrong size gym shorts....sheesh. :shock:
  6. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Okay this is a funny one that happened a few days ago. Keep in mind that this is a phone conversation and i just answered it.

    ME: Kissock's Barn, this is Breann

    OTHER PERSON: Yes, is Joani there?

    ME: No, she is trying to catch her horse right now, he ran out the door fully saddled. Can I take a message?

    OTHER PERSON: Uhhhhh... I guess not.

    ME: Okay, bye. (meanwhile yelling at my horse to stop knocking stuff off the viewing stand)

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