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My 2 month old pekepoo bites and eats bugs

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by angel30, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. angel30

    angel30 New Member

    What can i do to stop my puppy from eating bugs and biting.He seems to be playing when he bites but i am worried that it will become a habit and my 2 kids are already getting afraid of him. He even growls. From my undersatanding pekepoos are suppose to be of good temperment.I really need help on this. :(
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I wouldnt worry too much about the bugs as long as theyre not toxic ones, hes a dog and hes going to eat them occasionally if they get in his way, I think every dog Ive ever had has eaten bugs before (except for one, she had this wierd obsession of protecting them when the other dogs tried to eat them :shock: ...she would literally lay in front of a bug and gaurd it until it disappeared into the dirt or flew away or something). I mean if it really bothers you then teach him 'drop' or take them out of his mouth.

    As for the biting, hes only 8 weeks. At this age it should be pretty easy to stop him, just dont let him bite, if he tries to then a stern NO and then ignore him (with some dogs just ignoring them is enough), when hes calm and not trying to bite then give him some attention. A couple of reasons pups bite is either because they can smell food on your hands or because someone is playing with them by pushing them away....I dont know if this is the case here, you mention you have children though and its very common for children to do this, puppy gets a little rough, kid pushes puppy out of the way....puppy thinks its a big game, gets over excited and the bites get harder, so you will need to talk to your children and lt them know that when the pup starts biting they need to walk away and ignore him. Make sure you supervise so that if he chases after them and tries to grab a leg your there to pick him up and move him).

    The pup will need things to chew on for teething so make sure you have a good variety of toys, also helps if you alternate them daily so that they dont get bored with the same ones.

    My opinion of both Pekegnese(sp) and Poodles (as seperate breeds) the pekes can be very 'tough' in there actions but it is all an act with them, generally speaking, there always exceptions.....but theyre good bluffers. Poodles are very smart, again, generally speaking, not a combination of personalities that you want to let get out of hand.

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