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My baby has worms!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by casper, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. casper

    casper New Member

    I'm completely devasted and grossed out. I had him dewormed when I first got him and he tested negative. So he's caught it somehow in the last two months.

    I'm thinking of no longer letting him go outside and making him a completely indoor dog - thoughts?? Good or bad?
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I don't think its necessary to keep him strickly indoors but thats really up to you. What kind of worms does he have?
  3. casper

    casper New Member

    how else do you think he got it?? i haven't been to the vet yet (in an hr) but from the research I've done on the internet, I think he has round worms.

    It's really upsetting because he's been dewormed. I really don't want him to catch it ever again.

    I'm very distraught about the whole situation because he JUST got neutered on friday and now has to deal with this too....

    I was thinking of buying drugs online to treat him myself to save on money. What do you think??
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Personally I don't think it's a good idea. I find it much safer to get them from the vet. If you get them from an illegal website you never know what you are getting. It may save you money in the short run but who knows about the long run, it could end up costing you more.

    If you got them from the vet it would take less time to get rid of the worms. If you buy them online, first you have to find a reputable site then wait while your order gets processed and shipped.

    Are you thinking about buying them online before or after you go to the vet? If it's before I wouldn't recommend it because you won't know the correct dosage for your dogs weight and height.
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    I think its best to go to the vet or if you have had this problem previously you can probably just pick up the meds without bringing the dog with you. Maybe you can just worm him or have his stool checked every 4 - 6 months to prevent this from happening in the future. My vet actually recommends worming mine 4 times per year. I would talk to your vet and see what she/he recommends for prevention.
    My kitten has roundworms as well even though he was dewormed twice over the past two months sometimes it takes several treatments to completely get rid of the worms.
  6. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    We just went through this a few months ago with our older dog, when he tested positive for round worm, I was also grossed out and could not believe this happened because he was up to date on all of his shots, come to find out instead of treating him with the monthly heartworm pill (which also protects him against round worm) we opted to give him the injection (which DOES NOT protect him against round worm, something I didn't know till it happened to us) we have gone back to the pills once a month. You should check with you vet to make sure his heart worm also protects against other worms. The treatment was simple, he was given some meds and it cleared up. Good Luck
  7. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    What do they look like, if they look like rice then its tapeworm. Those rice like worms are just the babies. Take him for a shot or dewormer, orally. Tapeworm is gotten by injesting a flea.
  8. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    Sorry I have never had this experiance but i hope he gets better :(
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    We worm our dogs about 4 times a year, unfortunatly its not something that when wormed once they will never get them. Or having all their shots. Its a regular maintance thing you have to do with dogs. They can get them from so many different things. I dont think keeping your dog inside is the solution just regular checks for worms and regular worming.

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