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My betta, bubble nests and missing ghost shrimp.

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Nameless, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    The betta I just bought keeps making bubbles nests. I know its normal for them to do it once in a while, but this guy just keeps making them and doesn't stop. He makes one this morning and I destroy it and then he makes anonther one when I come home from school, and I bet if I destroy this one, he'll make another one by night time. Is it ordinary for them to be constantly making bubble nest like this? Also, had put a ghost shrimp with him to keep him company. Then I noticed that the ghost shrimp was gone a day after, then like two days later I found the dead ghost shrimp at the bottom of the bowl. I was going to remove it bbut I completely forgot so now when I went to remove it, the shost shrimp is gone again, and trust me its not in the bowl. It is not that hard to find. What is going on in my fish bowl?!

    Thank you in advance for your help.
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Tikki is a constant bubble nest builder. I swear that betta is like the energizer bunny! The easiest way to get him to stop I found was to put him in the comm. tank so the filter would naturally destroy it.

    He might have eaten the ghost shrimp. When I had female bettas it wasn't uncommon that when one died I'd find it floating on the top with a missing eye or a chunk taken out of th side (sorry for being so graphic :oops: ).

    If you don't want to have ghost shrimp again you could try a mystery snail. My bettas don't seem to have any interest in them.
  3. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Why do you keep destroying the bubble nest? It's not hurting anything.

    Also, the ghost shrimp probably either got eaten or decomposed. You may want to check your ammonia level to make sure it didn't increase because of the dead shrimp.

  4. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    There are 2 options here for what is happening. Ghost shrimp are pretty quick to die when the ammonia levels go up...or the betta is trying to eat a ghost shrimp and then spits it back out a few times. That is why you find dead ghost shrimp at the bottom of the tank. Then the fish tries again to eat the ghost shrimp and is successful. You go back and look, no more dead shrimp.
    The betta is making bubble nests because he is happy and feels at home. This is a direct sign of a healthy fish, so don't worry bout that.
  5. Nameless

    Nameless New Member


    I keep destroying the bubble nest cause of the fact that I hate having a huge foam thing filling up the top the fish bowl, it looks wierd and not that appealing to me. Has anyone ever been able to keep ghost shrimp or any other small fish with your betta !
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You could try putting an air stone in the tank. It should aggitate the surface enough that he won't be able to build a bubble nest.

    Oh, and I have black mystery snails in with my bettas. In a small, unfilterd tank you're really going to be limited on what you can put in there.


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