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My cat gets really sick from her vaccines.

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, May 11, 2006.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    My one cat (Cali) gets really really sick after she gets her Vaccines.
    She lists to one side, like a drunk, crawls low on the floor with her back legs low to the ground, throws up. :cry:
    One vet we had to take her back to after we got her home....cause she was sick, and he gave her a shot of Cortizone.
    The next year the vet held off on the Cortizone and after giving her the shots, he had to give her Benadryl (or something?) to make her better. He waited maybe 20 minutes and saw her get really sick.
    What do you think is causing this???? :?:
    What's the best solution?? :?:
  2. Fblack

    Fblack New Member

    I am glad you posted this. I was scheduled to pick up my new 12 week old purebred Maine Coon tomorrow but the bredder just called me. She said the kitten had a reaction to her 4 in 1 shot and now the kitten had a "cold". Is getting a "cold" a reaction to the shot, or could it just be a coincidence. Or could it be something else?

    I am now waiting a week to see what happens.
  3. vene

    vene New Member

    My kitties have never had reactions to vaccines but if they did, I'd be reluctant to give it to them unless it's mandatory. Also it's better to space out the shots rather than the multiple in one as the vets have said that more pets have gotten allergic to the 4 in 1 shots. If your kitty gets only mild allergy to the shot, Benadryl prior to the vaccine is highly recommended. If my kitties were to have reactions to any shots, I'd be reluctant to vaccinate them again to the same vaccine especially if it's a severe reaction.

  4. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I won't let my cats have the multiple vaccines. and I control when/what they get.
    Last week Tilly had rabies, this Saturday she gets distemper.
    I have them broken up
  5. EternalFlame

    EternalFlame New Member

    just think, humans can have reactions to like flu shots and such as a light example. reactions can be light to severe making one question whether or not it was such a great idea. sure kitties can have reactions too. poor lil things.
  6. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Vene- WOW!! thanks for the Link.
    I looked at it- and you know, my Cat has been having a "Severe Reaction". She has a lot of the symptoms listed including, staggering, vomiting, and I am sure her blood pressue drops, she Moans- so maybe her larynx is being obstructed. :?: :(
    You know- I will take her to the Vet and have her yearly physical...but I don't think I will allow any shots. Well, maybe the Rabies b/c she does liek to go outside and Its required in NY. :?: (Don't think I can get around that). I don't think the Rabies is the vaccine that is causing her sickness....I think its either Distemper or the other ones.
    Geez--- :cry:
    I don't know what to do for sure. I want them to be healthy- and stay healthy. Its just that this has happened 2 years in a row- that she has gotten really, severly sick...its not fair to her, and I don't want to rish "death" with her by giving her these shots, if I really don't have to.
    I love her... :!:

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