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My dog ate a chicken bone

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Superpinkgirl56, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. Superpinkgirl56

    Superpinkgirl56 New Member

    My little chiuaua ate a chicken bone about two weeks ago and it still hasnt come out... He ate it whole, no splinters or anything. i know he ate it. so where is it? Hes still active and full of it. will it come out? or will it digest? if you have any idea PLease tell me! 8)
  2. IHeartShihPoo

    IHeartShihPoo New Member

    If it has been already two weeks and your chihuaha has had no signs of pain or hasn't been acting strangely, it's most likely digested by now and already went through his system.
  3. Superpinkgirl56

    Superpinkgirl56 New Member

    THANK YOU! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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