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My dog eats his own fecal - how do I make him stop?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by casper, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. casper

    casper New Member

    I thought I had broken my puppy out of the habit of eating his own fecal but I just caught him eating some! How do I make him stop?? I usually walk with him and pull him away immediately but there are times when he goes by himself. Usually, to my knowledge, he doesn't eat it. So seeing him eat it just now truly surprises me and I want to cut the behaviour once and for all.
    but how??? any thoughts would be much appreciated

  2. CaneCorso

    CaneCorso New Member

    Try to mix with some pineapple in dog food and it should work. Somehow it makes the stool taste bitter.
  3. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hello Casper,

    My Abbey did this until she wa about 7-8 months of age. I tried my best to not let her do it, but she would sneak some any chance she got! GROSS!

    After discouraging it as a good behaviour and her getting older, she just stopped. Every now and then when I watch her do a # 2, she will turn around and smell it, and sometimes I just do a quick leave it!, and she imediately leaves it alone and walks away.

    Age will help, and try to discourage by getting the pup to walk away from it as soon as he's doen his business.
  4. stravieso

    stravieso New Member

    Bella does this too and it drives me crazy. I'll try the pineapple thing and hopefully it will work.
  5. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    Rocky used to do it when he was younger, but after a while he stopped on his own.
  6. MyDixie

    MyDixie New Member

    Dixie also used to do this. I bought Deter at Petco- it is a pill, which she thought was a treat-and she completely stopped. I still catch her every so often sniffing at her own feces, but she has never tried to eat it since I gave her the pills. My vet also told me to try meat tenderizer on her food, but I never did that- just a suggestion.

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