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My dog Sam the Man ! or otherwise known as

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ilovemaltipoos, May 24, 2004.

  1. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member


    Now ,Sammy is one cool baby ,I have often said he is the best mom I have to my puppies .He cleans their faces ,their ears ,they jump all over him and he just lets them .He loves them .Sam loves everyone .
    As we travel alot ,Sam in his carseat ,we meet alot of people .He has never once acted up .greets all with a smile on his face and ready to be petted ......except one ........ :p

    My neice Misty came to live with us after her mom died .She loved the man Sam and he loved her back .All her friends would come over to swim or to listen to loud music :? and Sam and Greyson (our cat ) was always in the middle of whatever was going on .
    Sam fit right in until her boyfriend Jason brought Allen over . :roll:
    Now ,this kid was kinda like a dork ,I had nothing against him.Knew his grandparents well and thought highly of them ,but Sam and Grey took an instant dislike to him .
    The first time he came over ,Sam sniffed him over and over and then sat back on his hinney and just watched him ,Grey sat on hte other side of Sam and I swear they talked about what would be the best thing to do in this situation cause they kissed and then Sam slowly walked over and hiked his leg ....on Allens jeans and shoes .. :shock:

    now ,we had never seen Sam even hike on a tree at that time and we all were really surprised at it .Misty said " Look what Sam did '! ' Jason was standing there laughing and I was sooooooooo embarrased .I picked Sam up and took him to the other room .i thought ...okay ,he is still young ,just over a year ,maybe a little set back in toliet training .Na !!!!
    everytime Allen would come over ,he hiked his leg on him .And Sam always seemed to take the greatest pleasure in it too . :lol:
    One night Allen and Jason stayed the night with Adam (all were the same age and friends ) and Misty had Brandy and another girl over and as an aunt and mom I was "up all night ' just making sure nothing was going on I did not want to happen .. :wink:
    Anyway about 2 am I saw Sam and Grey coem out of Misty's room with Brandy and Misty and JJ following very slowly and carefully behind .Now as a concerned Mom ,I was on the sofa pretending to be asleep ,when I saw Misty open Adams door just a hair and let Sam and Grey in ,she shut the door and all 3 girls sat in hall until I heard Sam scratch on the door and want out .The girls stood up and out came Sam and Grey ,they scooped them up and took them back in Misty's room and shut the door . :?:
    Me ,being half asleep ,I just shrugged it off and said okay ,maybe they were just trying to awaken te boys and it didn''t work .The next morning I heard loud voices in Adam's room ..Allens was the loudest ,Jason and Adam were both laughing ,thenas I approached ...Allen came dashing out of the room :x ...I said "What is it " ,What's wrong ? "
    Allen could not speak but went straight to the door and started walking home .Across the hall I could hear giggles and loud laughter was coming from the boys .....Grey had pooped on the bed Allen was sleeping on and Sammy had peed all over his back ! When Allen had rolled over ,he smeared the poop on him and did not know until he woke up .I ran out the door ,tried to apologise and tried to take him home but Jayson came out and took him home for me .I went back in and opened the door to the girls room and there sat MIsty ,Brandy ,JJ ,Sam and Grey all with huge smiles and ....well ...I didn't have the heart ...We all just broke into laughter .......A dog and cat has to do what the girls say after all . :D :eek: :lol: :y_the_best: :mrgreen:
  2. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    LMAO!!! What a great story...I bet Allen never chose to come back, eh!?!? :lol:

    I am just lovin' all these stories Malti...you ought to write a book on this stuff! LOL :mrgreen:
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Sam IS the Man!! LOL... tooooooo funny! I can't believe they were all in "cahoots" together on that! LOL
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    OH my god. Did that kid ever return to your house and get revenge. That was sooo funny. My husband is probably wondering why I am laughing at the computer. That poor kid. He probably actually had a dog they disliked and he smelled like him.

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