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my dog was

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by sheka28, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. sheka28

    sheka28 New Member

    Hi I took my puppy (malti-poo0 to the groomer and he asked how I wanted her cut I explained a little shorter and he stated he would cut about and inch he cut all of her fur off. It is a horibble cut. Has anyone dealt with this before How long does it take to Grow back. I am so upset and it is not warm enough for her hair to be that short.
  2. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Hair regrowth varies between individual dogs. The average seems to be about a half inch a month, although I've had dogs come for grooming at monthly intervals that have easily grown 2 inches between grooms. I've had others that have come in after 3 months, and have had no growth at all.

    Unless your dog is spending a lot of time outside, or the temperatures are well below freezing, it's probably not going to cause her a problem to go outside. If she's cold, buy her a sweater. They're usually marked down at this time of year, and shouldn't be too expensive. If you can't find a dog sweater, go to a second hand shop and buy an infants sweater.

    As a groomer, I've found that most times a too short cut is the result of one of two things. Poor communication between owner and groomer or the dog was matted and there wasn't much of an option. The biggest problem I've seen is what some people call an inch is more like three inches. I try to get people to show me with their fingers just exactly how much coat they want left.

    Even that isn't fool proof, as sometimes the coat lies flat, and it still looks like I took off too much, when in fact, if you measured the length of the hair, it's the same length they asked for. It's just not standing out from the body that far.

    Matting is another problem. Often a coat looks perfectly brushed out, but next to the skin, it's solid felt. Most groomers won't demat that type of matting. It's painful and inhumane. But if a groomer finds that sort of matting, they should not procede with shaving the coat until they've informed the owner of the situation.
  3. sheka28

    sheka28 New Member

    Thanks for the information. It was obvioulsy a breakdown in communication. She was not matted as I brush her daily and her coat was fine. Also he stated that he would have called if she was matted because there is an addtnl 20.00 fee. I took her during December 25 to Pet smart and they have a puppy cut which was really more a trim. That is what I expected. I will know in the futre to to be very specific.
  4. WinniPoo

    WinniPoo New Member

    I feel your pain!!! the same thing happened to us. It was Winnie's second grooming by the same person. The first time came out great, she was fluffy and had a little bow on the top of her head. The second time I almost cried when we walked out. I told the groomer the same as last time but instead she came out with hair so short she looked a mess, her wavy hair looked silly that short, she looked sick, she couldn't even get a bow in hair. She was not matted at all, I think the groomer started trimming and then just couldn't go back. I have changed groomers and tell her to keep Winnie fluffy and we talk about it every time before I leave. I swear it took forever for Winnie to look fluffy again, but really it grew back fast. She has a pair of PJ's and she wore them alot while her hair grew back. Good luck
  5. Shineillusion

    Shineillusion New Member

    Sheka, just a suggestion; try to find out what number blade the groomer used on her. Let me know, and I can suggest what to ask for in the future.

    Also, when she gets to the length you like, take her back in for grooming, and tell the groomer you just want a bath, brushout, sanitary trim and neaten the face/feet. NO length off the body. That way, the groomer can see exactly what length you want, and make note of it on her card.
  6. sheka28

    sheka28 New Member

    Winnipoo, I know this was her second cut. The first was around two days before Christmas and she was perfect. I suspect she will have most her hair back by summer(i hope so). Shineillusion thanks for all the info. I will do that.

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