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My maltepoo's excessive barking

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by romahekl, Jun 21, 2004.

  1. romahekl

    romahekl New Member

    :oops: :shock: I have recently moved into a large apartment with my maltepoo whom we've had almost a year(August)...She has always been a yapper and barks at EVERYTHING...My hubby has been alone with her in the apt for a month now-for I am visiting my sister on the east coast--he is about to loose his mind! He says she barks non stop-has her nights and days mixed up(for now she is in a crate days while he's at work)..he walks her numerous times a day...plays with her till bedtime-but her barking is driving him nuts...PLEASE anyone with tips on training or controlling her barking...she's the most lovable ,cutest pup-except for her barking-she's 16 pounds-a toy maltese/minature poodle mix...need help now-I'm returning home the 30th of June and I want my baby to be there!!!
  2. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Hi & welcome to the group!!! :eek:

    I haven't experienced this myself (right now my 2 shih-poos only bark every now and then when they are playing with each other), but, I'm sure you'll get some advice from others on the board.

    Have you ever tried teaching the "Quiet" command?

    I'm not much help, I know, but wanted to pop in to say welcome at least! :D
  3. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Sorry for the double post ~ had computer issues :oops:
  4. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    WELCOME romahekl~

    ~Work on the "quiet" command with her.

    ~Unless you are working on the "quiet" command with her, give her absolutely NO attention during her barking - it will only egg her on. (I'm sure she barks when he is playing with her, and that is something that I wouldn't get upset over. Barking during playtime is completely normal and just something that occurs naturally when dogs are excited during play. So, that's a time when I wouldn't ignore it - you don't necessarily encourage it during that time, rather just accept it.)

    ~As he is already doing, try and tire her out as much as humanly possible before bedtime. The walks and other playtimes during the day are wonderful as well. (Along with the physical activity, try and keep her mentally active too...take her mind off the desire to bark.)

    Keep working with her...don't give up hope just yet!!! Most dog behavior issues take a while to correct - the sooner you start in correcting the behavior, the better!!!

  5. romahekl

    romahekl New Member

    :) Thanks for responding..I'm afraid my hubby will put my darling Posie up on e-bay! Now I will show my ignorance....what is the quiet command?
    It seems Posie hears any noises...she barks like we're being burglarized! She hears kids outside playing, see's a car coming or going, someone walking and so on...if the tv is on and the doorbell rings in the domino's commercial-she goes balistic...My husband and I are empty nesters and Posie is our "baby"...we love her dearly and maybe, just maybe we spoiled her...she hasn't been to obedience classes-she listens to us and cuddles with us and is a wonderful companion ...it's just her barking...I have used the soda "can" method where I threw one with pennies in it to scare her...now if I shake the can or say "do you want the can" she mumbles a bark under her breath instead, not a full blown bark...then curls up ..but my hubby doesn't use the can...it's not readily available every time she barks-and just somedays I would be shaking it all day!

    I hope I don't sound totally ignorant!!! thanks for anymore advice! RoMa
  6. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    No, never, it's always best to ask when you don't know...we all after to learn at one point or another!!! :y_the_best:

    LOL!!! :mrgreen:

    Glad you asked, the quiet command is just like any other command (i.e. sit, stay, down, etc.) and is used in teaching your dog to stop barking when given the command. You don't have to use the word "quiet," you can use "stop barking," or any other word you chose, I just like the shortness of the word "quiet."

    In one of my responses on another thread, I explained the quiet command and how I teach it, so you may want to wander over there and take a look. Here's the link to that thread: http://www.auspet.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... 8977e2fd8a

    I hope that helps to answer your question, if not, please do ask! :D
  7. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hello Roma! and WELCOME!!!

    I had to respond because we have the same issues in our house these days (mentioned on the other post). And... omg!! (((high five))) to:

    Bailey does the sssssssame thing!! When I happen to catch that it's a Domino's commercial, I have to try and find the remote fast enough to mute it or change the channel!

    Tooooo funny!!

    Do you have any pictures of your maltepoo?? I'd love to see your Posie! If she gets posted on eBay, send us the link!! Maybe we can take up a collection and save her :) hehe
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    LOL...Oh Monster, you are a riot!!! :mrgreen:
  9. romahekl

    romahekl New Member

    Too funny about Bailey and Posie with the Domino's commercial!! I spoke to Posie via phone last night.....told her Mommy's coming home soon..my hubby says she just sat there and listened---no barking!!!! I gave him the word on the quiet command and what was written in the previous post....oh yes--time and patients it will take!! :eek:
  10. romahekl

    romahekl New Member

    I'll post a pic of Posie when I get home--I do not have access to my photo album here in NY on my sister's computer :p
  11. papillon/mom

    papillon/mom New Member

    very good advice Baby I was actually just going to post something on that my Max used to only bark at door bell, when people came over, dogs barking that sort of stuff, now we are in our new house and he does the same but at night when he hears something, dog or whatever he barks and we yell we should just ignore him, I can not get up in the middle of the night to give him a treat and say quiet but if I teach him that during the day it should work at night? The worst part about Max barking is that whenever he barks my little guy barks and he has the most ear piercing bark it goes right through me. Do I teach them both at the same time ya think? :|

    I also have a question on barking for Baby, what about when people come over my dogs go crazy barking at that person for like a good minute or so and I hate to give them treats to reward them for being bad but that is the only way sometimes to shut them up, I hate when they do that it is embarrising they make it look like they run the show. What to do about that? :wink:
  12. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    If you ignore him, does he stop in a reasonable amount of time (after a couple of minutes)? If yes, then I would recommend you just ignore him during the night hours. In that particular case (being night and everything), many dogs will cease their barking after a little while if they are getting nothing in return (i.e. a bark back from a dog, a human yelling at them or coming up to them, etc.). So, first and foremost, I would try completely ignoring him and just waiting to see if he stops after a little while. If he does, continue on with that method.

    If the first suggestion doesn't work, try putting a few pennies in a can (or something that makes a good amount of noise) and shaking it when he barks. Many times, that noise will startle them, and often stop the barking.

    If that doesn't work, you could definitely work on the "quiet" command with him...which does require you to get out of bed to do so if he doesn't fully know the command just yet (if he does, that would be great for you - no need to get up). But, if none of the above options work, then this would be a last resort. (Only reason why I say working on the quiet command would be a last resort during the night time hours is b/c your dog is probably tired to begin with, since it is night, and most likely will not be real cooperative with training b/c of that very reason...he's tired.)

    I'll admit, it isn't real easy teaching two dogs at the same time the "quiet" command, but it can be done. Contrary to most of the training I do with Mickey & Tigger, for the "quiet" command I taught them both at the same time.

    However, take every opportunity you get to teach them individually. Those are times when one may be barking and the other isn't, take that opportunity to work with the one barking dog. But, like you said, when one dog barks, usually the other will too, so that makes it difficult to only train one at a time.

    For my two dogs, they are allowed to bark for a very short while initially when visitors come, only b/c I feel that they are excited to see people (just as I am), and their barking is just them getting excited and wanting to "communicate" their excitement. Which, to me, that is fine, but only for approx. 30 sec. to 1 minute. After that time, I will tell them "quiet," which they then realize that they are more than welcome to continue visiting, but they need to do it quietly.

    So, I would suggest, after about a minute of their barking, you work on "quiet" with them. Remember though, PRAISE them when they are successful, and be sure to IMMEDIATELY reward them with that treat you dangled in front of their nose as soon as they cease their barking!!! Also, it may be a good idea to have a toy, bone, chew, etc. to give them afterwards to keep them distracted from barking more.

    You may wonder what you do if the quiet worked for a few seconds (or minutes), but then they start barking again. In that instance, you, and ALL your visitors, will need to COMPLETELY ignore them. Once your boys have quieted down for a while, and stopped barking, then you can start giving them some attention again. (Try not to have your visitors get all riled up at that time though, that will more than likely provoke your boys to begin barking once again.)

    And if THAT doesn't work, you will need to remove them from the situation...they obviously can't handle it. I wouldn't put them in a crate, however, I would confine them to a room in your home (kitchen maybe) and give them a great chew or bone to work on for a little while during their confinement. (The confinement isn't meant to be a punishment, rather a time in which they can relax, and calm down, from all the excitement.) Leave them in there until you feel they have really had the chance to calm down (AND stopped barking). At that time, when you are ready to "reunite" them with your visitors, have your visitors remain very calm when your boys enter the room (again, only b/c you don't want excitement to trigger the start up of their barking).

    I know all that's a lot of info. to take in, so if any of it didn't make sense, let me know!

    I sincerely wish you the best of luck on everything! Don't expect too much too quickly, it could take a while, just be very consistent, patient, and positive with them (I know, easier said than done, but you can do it)! The more practice they get, the better!!! :y_the_best:

    ***And if anyone else has other tips or suggestions for her, please do voice them! (I always like to learn new things whenever possible, and this board is a great way to learn more!)


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