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My neutured dog just bred my female??? Can he still???

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by peanutgirl, Sep 18, 2005.

  1. peanutgirl

    peanutgirl New Member

    hi- i had my male min pin neutured about 6 months ago and i just went outside to see him locked up with my female!! Can he make puppies still?? I didnt think he was supposed to have any interest in breeding? thanks :?:
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    If your female is in heat he would probably show interest. No, he can not impregnate her if he was neutered 6 months ago.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    It can take some time before his hormone levels will drop down.
    If an in heat dog should be around and he can get to her he will still mate with her without any problems.

    It usually takes a few weeks after the neuter that a male dog can no longer inpregnate a female since it has been 6months there is absolutley no chance of that happening.

    Why is your female left unattended while she is going through her cycle, She should never be left alone outside during her cycle and for 2weeks after as trust me a bitch will go to extreme measures to get a male dog and the male will do anything to get to your female.

    If she does fall pregnant then chances are this is probably from some stray dog in the area and this pregnancy would then be best aborted due to not knowing the size or breed of dog.

    Please do not assume i am jumping on you but please keep her under constant supervision as it only takes a few seconds and she could be mated by a an intact dog..


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